It’s a whole new blog feature for a whole new platform. WordPress for iPhone OS is now optimized to take advantage of the iPad’s new user interface, making blogging even easier than ever before. Download it from the App Store today.
Effortless Comments
Moderate, edit, or reply to comments — it’s never been easier to stay in touch with your readers. For popular posts, you can quickly bulk moderate comments through the intuitive interface.

Elegant Composing
Creating and editing posts is at the heart of the WordPress experience. Write, add photos, check your spelling, and even create links without having to write a single line of code or HTML.

When you’re writing and you’d like a bit more room, just rotate the screen. WordPress will automatically adjust to a more comfortable widescreen layout

Gorgeous Photos
Add as many photos as you like — WordPress will automatically insert them into your post. Both high resolution and web optimized photos look and work great.

This is just a taste of what WordPress for iPhone OS can do. Download it from the App Store and you’ll be up and running in no time.