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KWIK BLAST: Seduced By Davey Wavey

• May 27, 2010

A Funny Video Collaboration between CUTE 19yo Alex and Davey Wavey the Gay “Lifestyle Guru”
Watch Brent Corrigan’s Heat

Salon discovers the Peters Twins and Gay Incest

• May 25, 2010

You have to be amused by straights and the way they “discover” a story long after every gay male has taken note,jacked off and claimed the T-shirt! Salon the ever so “hip” Webzine has discovered Milo and Elijah Peters Bel Ami’s Incestuous Twins who have been doing the sex thang since oh the age of [...]

LOST we barely watched you…

• May 24, 2010

Well after the initial Hype wore off and the Frustration set in! In honor of the overblown, over tweeted finale of the ABC Series Lost here is Matt Groenigs faux spoiler on how Lost ended on tonights Simpsons!
Which I am watching instead of Lost!

What will I miss about LOST?
Josh Holloway!

Watch Brent Corrigan’s Heat

KWIK BLAST:The iPod Revolution

• May 10, 2010

I have to admit the iPod failed to grab me initially, I have never been a fan of Steve Jobs(EGO) and Apple(OverPriced) but the success of the iPod indeed the Revolution it represents to the music buisness cannot be denied. No better praise (and some deep envy) was offered by Sony’s Chairman last year when [...]