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KWIK VIDEO:Boy Crush Sneak preview

• May 10, 2010

Sebastian Rode who has been hotly anticipated in action at Boy Crush has a teaser video posted today by Andy Kay, hmm wonder if this means the Friday Update will be this hot pair!
Chad and newbie Sebastian Rode Behind the Scenes at Boy Crush!

An older video just posted to Rockettube…
Jeremy and Tristan have some fun [...]

KWIK BLAST:The iPod Revolution

• May 10, 2010

I have to admit the iPod failed to grab me initially, I have never been a fan of Steve Jobs(EGO) and Apple(OverPriced) but the success of the iPod indeed the Revolution it represents to the music buisness cannot be denied. No better praise (and some deep envy) was offered by Sony’s Chairman last year when [...]