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Posts tagged with Brent Everett

Years of Hard Work to Make An Overnight Success

July 12th, 2010 by aussieboy63

THE BRENT EVERETT STORY                 As I talk to the many young hopefuls looking to make their way in the Gay Adult Entertainment World they talk about their plans and dreams in the industry.  The reality is that most will simply disappear, either by choice or design, once they hit that magical 22.  I won’t [...]

Posted in A Moment With | tagged | | 2 Comments

What Makes A Star

June 16th, 2010 by aussieboy63

I have often pondered the question of what makes a star, and since I have been blogging the question has assumed greater proportions.  I follow normal people like you and I on Twitter but I also have a big selection of people from the Adult Industry.  Some of these people are only new to the [...]

Posted in Random Thoughts | tagged | | 5 Comments

