matt sanchez

Don’t ask Don’t Tell, Get Real

What is the navy thinking, why are they backtracking on the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy when they fought so hard too stop gays from joining the military? Then they boot a guy out take away his signing bonus and then reinstate him and send him off to the middle-east. Kinda makes you wonder who is running things in this country. I read this story on and thought it was kind of humorious and sad all at the same time.

An openly gay U.S. sailor who was discharged in 2005 after coming out to his command was subsequently recalled to duty in 2006 and has been serving actively in Kuwait with the Naval Customs Battalion Bravo, according to Sunday’s Stars and Stripes. Petty Officer Jason Knight, a Hebrew linguist in Navy intelligence, said he spent four years in the Navy, has buried fallen service members as part of the Ceremonial Guard, and has received awards for exemplary service. “However, because I was gay, the Navy discharged me and recouped my $13,000 sign-on bonus,” he wrote in a letter to the newspaper. “Nine months later, the Navy recalled me to active duty. Did I accept despite everything that happened? Of course I did, and I would do it again. Because I love the Navy and I love my country.” Knight decided to make his sexual orientation known in 2005 while he was in the process of annulling his marriage to his wife. Since that time, he has been open about his sexuality with his commanders and colleagues, many of whom have spoken out in support of him. “He’s better than the average sailor at his job,” Bill Driver, the leading petty officer of Knight’s 15-person customs crew in Kuwait, told Stars and Stripes. “It’s not at all a strange situation. As open as he is now, it was under wraps for quite a while. It wasn’t an issue at work.” Steve Ralls, director of communications for the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, said the situation flies in the face of the justification for the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. “The Navy has reenlisted an openly gay sailor, which completely undermines the assertion that anyone in the military thinks that gay and lesbian military troops compromise unit cohesion or morale,” Ralls said. “Jason has been very out to everyone he serves with, everyone has been very supportive, and it shows that despite an official ban, commanders and other service members are welcoming gays and lesbians and it’s not causing any problems in their unit.” Knight is scheduled to finish his tour of duty at the end of June, and Ralls said he is considering trying to find a way to continue his military career. Ralls said the Navy has declined to comment on this case. (The Advocate)

Well what do you think about this? I find it quite interesting that when it comes to war the military really does not care about whether you are gay or straight. They just really just want warm bodies. I personally think that they should lift the ban on being gay in the military and legalize gay marriage as well. let’s be real here, all the limitations that his countries government is putting on the most creative part of it’s population is just tiring to say the least. We make your homes beautiful and design your cloths and to tell you the truth we are just fabulous. And bitches we can fight too.
Don’t ask Don’t Tell, Get Real

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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It appears that the boys at Boybatter Joseph Kerekes and Harlow Cuadra have attracted the attention of the Virginia Police.
With news of the 5:53 a.m.
February 10th search of their VA Beach home. The police forced open the door and shot tear gas in the home burning the carpet. And literally tore through the place removing cameras, breaking into a safe, taking guns and ammo, ripping out the alarm system, taking a log book and DNA samples. Well I guess his alibi might not be as solid as thought or maybe they are after Joe who knows? Harlow and Joe were not there at the time; then again it was a Saturday morning.

Matt Sanchez formally Rod Majors porn star and former gay escort is still on his Right Wing Denial of His Past Life Tour. It appears he is still celebrating his “straightness”. I hope the Marines still believe him. Good luck with that Matt, we’re all routing for you. When all is said and done it’s his life to live as he sees fit. I’m just sorry that the gay community that you exploited is so disgusting to you now. We will just have to try harder to make you like us.

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