love is the answer

Let’s take marriage out of the equation.

In the fight for equal rights in California for same sex couples a new idea has been placed on the table. Funny thing is I and a couple of friends have talked about this before. With most religions strongly against same sex marriage the idea of taking marriage out of the constitution and putting it squarely in the realm of religion seems like the right thing to do. Thus taking religion out of the equation.

Under this new plan the state will only recognize civil unions and all religious marriage ceremonies will only be recognized by the church but not state law. In other words you need to register your civil union with the state and if you want to get married in the church it will only be valid if you have a registered civil union. That will take religion out of the equation and make it a non-religious issue. That will make all of those who chose to have a civil union equal under the law.

Under this new plan it will not effect current marriages. They will be grand fathered in and not effected. Only new civil unions and new marriages will be effected by this change. It makes sense to me and anyone who has an issue with that is clearly against equal rights for all. The term marriage will no longer be a recognized legal term any longer in the state. The church will no longer have a role in state policy. The seperataion of church and state is already a part of the constitution.

Civil Union recognized by the state.

Marriage recognized by the church

Civil Union + marriage in church recognized by the state

Simple problem solved. Common sense over rules hate.

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Crystal Blue Persuasion

ABC news has a report about the Obama effect on the sudden spike in handgun sales.I was shocked at this news. A sudden rush to buy guns. The reason claimed was fear that there would be a new law prohibiting the ownership of them. Now maybe I am just a little bit sensitive to this for my own personal reasons but this scares me. Now a hand gun or a shotgun is one thing but we are talking about assault weapons here.
What are these people thinking?

This song was released in 1969 right after we had two high profile assassinations of two prominent people. Whose only crime was too effect great social change. Crystal blue Persuasion helped me get through that rough period after they’re deaths. Being a young child of nine years old my parents had the task of explaining to me why it happened. They told me that the reason was hate and it was a sickness and that sickness is what caused it to happen. And I just hope and pray that we will never have to go through anything like that again.

The fear of change is what is driving these people to buy guns and God only knows what else is on they’re agenda. The thought is so horrific that I can not even begin to imagine how bad things would be. With the current state of our country if something horrible happened America would never be the same. We have just shown to the world that we are healing from our past mistakes. We can not let the divisive agenda of some destroy everything for the rest of us. Love is the answer and we can all learn from that.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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