When I first started to write about this murder case I never thought it would be so complicated. I thought it was just a revenge killing but it has turned into much more than that. There is so much information that has not been released and so much innuendo surrounding what has been released that it is a bit too much for some to deal with. All of the parties that are involved in this sordid tale have their own agendas.
That being said I have to also add that some of us do not believe all the hype surrounding it. Joe and Harlow
have been accused of killing Bryan Kocis and there is some damning evidence against them. But the real questions that most of us have goes to the why they would do it? As the police claim it was because of a “porn studio rivalry”. Yet if you check out the Internet there are literally hundreds of sites on the Internet that are doing the same thing as Cobra. So as to the motive I guess the police assume that Joe 
and Harlow would systematically go about killing all of they’re competition. Maybe they were doing it alphabetically, who knows what their plan was. But it still makes no sense to me. As to them wanting to kill Bryan, a man that they really did not know that much about as to them using US People search to get info on him. As I have said before, you are innocent until proven guilty but as I have read on several blogs they have already been convicted with out a trial. It looks like the Salem witch trials all over again.
You see the police only have to show just cause when they want to arrest you. There is no solid proof in the affidavit just supposition and circumstantial evidence. As to all the “evidence” presented against Joe and Harlow I still do believe that they should be afforded a fair trial. But the State of Virginia is seeing to it that they won’t get one by seizing all of their assets and dragging there feet with the court proceedings. I will just say this let the courts decide what their fate will be but at least let them mount a fair defense. That is why I am trying to help by publicizing the efforts of those who are trying to help them raise money for a decent defense. We really should wait for the trial for all of the other evidence to come out pertaining to the details that are alluded to in the affidavit. As to them wanting to work with Sean Lockhart that I can kind of understand, but the real question is if they wanted to work with Sean Lockhart why did Sean and Grant have to contact them? That also does not make much sense to me as well.
As to Sean Lockhart AKA Brent Corrigan we all must also be aware that he is followed by scandal wherever he goes. He started in this business with a lie and they seem to follow him wherever he goes. It seems that everyone and everything he gets involved with ends badly. I’m not being mean here that is just a stated perception of what I have witnessed. So why would Joe and Harlow fall prey to him? Joe and Harlow did not look for Sean Lockhart or Grant Roy, it was quite the opposite Sean and Grant looked them up. They were looking for models to work for the failed venture Brent Corrigan online. All this was done during a nasty civil suit with Bryan Kocis who ran Cobra Video. Bryan had succeeded in stopping them from making money with their web-site and they went to their fans and asked for donations to help with their legal bills and day to day expenses. They finally decided to settle the civil suit with Cobra Video, which I might add, was not a particularly strong case for Cobra Video. Sean was fighting to keep the name Brent Corrigan, a name that is now tainted with death. A simple solution would have been to loose the name and move on and Bryan would have no hold on Sean and Grant. But as we have all seen that was not the case. As to the dinner in Vegas allot has been said about it and there is some info as to what was discussed but that is only one-sided at best. We know that Sean and Harlow took a picture or two together that night as well. We also know that Joe and Harlow left Vegas in the next day or so. They also sent out a message to their subscribers stating; they were going to be working with Sean and Grant and that they had a new distribution deal for their videos.
We also have Jody Wheelers conveniently deleted post were Sean says that “Joe and Harlow fucked everything up” and that they were also on the run. The on the run part I get because Joe and Harlow were not home during the early morning search of their home in February. Question: Sean what did Joe and Harlow really fuck up? Why did you ask Joe and Harlow to come to Vegas? Did you want a free meal that bad or did you want to fill they’re head with your sad tail about Bryan and all he did to you? I know we do not know what was really said and that will most likely only come out in court. There is speculation that Sean and Grant hired them to kill Bryan. But that is clearly speculation and has not been proven. As to motive it would seem that Sean and Grant had a stronger motive to do this than anyone who has so far been mentioned. But as has been mentioned on several blogs they are working with the police on this investigation. So you would think that would rule them out of the equation. But there are several people who do not agree with that as well. So we have different groups who are claiming that Sean and Grant have to be complicate in this murder. It seems that this whole thing started with a lie and it continues to go forward with more lies. The other thing that has been mentioned is in regards to Cobra Video is that they were under investigation by federal authorities for making underage porn. If that is true then it could explain some of the secrecy surrounding this murder. As far as I know that is just speculation on the part of some posters.
These same posters are also claiming that there are dirty officials in the Luzerne County Justice System. And they are using Sean Lockhart’s refusal to go back to Pennsylvania as their main evidence. But to the casual observer this could be plausible with the recent resignation or retirement of President Judge Michael Conahan. There have been many allegations made about him and he was the presiding Judge on the child molestation case against Bryan Kocis and he is also the Judge who signed the order to reduce his sentence. He is also the same judge who reviewed all the video evidence that the police had collected against Kocis and declared it to be OK to be returned to him. This also made it possible for Kocis to not have to register as a sex offender and it also made it possible for him to continue in the pornography business. Something that under Megan’s Law he would not be allowed to do. If justice had been served in 2001 he would not have been running Cobra Video in 2004 and would not have gotten mixed up with Sean Lockhart. There is another question that I have, why when they had a video of him having sex with an underage boy was he not convicted of statutory rape? That was the first mistake of many that were made. Why when there was an inquiry as to his status as a sex offender was his record and the charges changed to a reduced charge making him exempt for Megan’s Law? Who was behind the change of his charges and why? We have also seen that there is a large amount of people who have commented on the blogs that Sean lied about his age and is in fact 21 years old. That is not the case though he is 20 at the time of this post and there is ample evidence to prove his age. There are many that do not believe his claims that he was underage when he worked for Cobra Video. Bryan was going to make him pay for telling the truth, a truth he himself had known since 2004 when he paid for the fake ID for him. Now it appears that this issue is being raised again as some sort of smoke screen to divert attention fro what is really going on here.
Bryan was a control freak and he did not want “his models” to talk to the press or even their fans. He used intimidation and threats to control his models. There are not many former Cobra models who have come forward to tell their stories. But that is changing and the few who have come forward are shedding a new light on who Bryan Kocis really was. And the picture is not a pretty one. Sean was not just a model at Cobra Video he was a victim as well but he was much more ingrained in the dealings of Cobra Video than has been said publicly. Cobra Video was not a huge company by industry standards in the last 6 years they have only released around 22 videos and 4 of them are considered underage porn because they featured a then an under-aged Brent Corrigan in them. Those titles have been pulled from the market. The funny thing is those pulled videos were some of the most lucrative videos Cobra ever produced. That is what the whole civil suit was really about, the fact that Sean Lockhart put a stop to the gravy train at Cobra video. You see Sean knew his value there and he released his true age to get out of his contract and to move on to his own company and make the big bucks he thought were going to be in his future. And in order to do that he needed the name Brent Corrigan. Bryan was not at all pleased with that and decided to get him back anyway he could. So he set up a bogus lawsuit in Pennsylvania to get Sean to come back and when that did not work he filed a real civil suit in California. Bryan spent allot of money on this case and for what you might ask? He would not gain any money from it if he won, Sean and Grant were broke. What Bryan really wanted was to control Sean and to get his valid ID so he could sell his other videos with Sean in them. He also wanted to try and restore his name and remove all of the negativity that surrounded it. But that was not meant to be you see he was murdered before the settlement agreement could really take effect. Yes the settlement was signed by all parties involved but the only thing that really came out of it was that Sean and Grant could open up their members site to new subscribers and the title of a video was changed. There are a few other people who are involved in this as well and to what extent we can not be sure. 
There is Lee Bergeron who is the principal shareholder at LSG Media a company that Sean and Grant have since abandoned. The reason stated is that Lee has taken control of the company and will not pay Sean for the videos that he shot for the company and is keeping all of the profits from Sean and Grant.
It has also been said that Lee had a backdoor deal with Bryan to sell his share of LSG Media to Bryan after the settlement was finalized but Bryan was killed before that could happen.
Then we have Robert Wagner who was the right hand man for Bryan Kocis and his second cameraman on some of his video shots. Robert was the associate who received the pictures of Harlow and is said to be one of the main witnesses for the prosecution in the case against Joe and Harlow. Robert was in the home of Bryan Kocis in the days prior to the murder and some seem to think he was there on the day of the murder as well. We do have him calling Bryan on the 24th of January. Do we know where he was calling from and if it was really him calling Bryan or some one he told to call Bryan to give him a alibi. What is the real truth behind Robert Wagner and Bryan Kocis. So now you kind of have the whole picture of who is involved and what they’re association is. As you can see that this is a very confusing and complicated case all around.
Update: Joe and Harlow were picked up this morning at 7:59AM by the Pennsyvania Police. They are on there way to Luzerne County. We do not know when rthey will be arraigned. I will keep you posted.
By Wade Malcolm, Staff Writer
After fighting extradition from Virginia since May, two male escorts accused of murdering a Back Mountain man should soon be in the custody of local law enforcement.
Harlow Cuadra, 25, and Joseph Kerekes, 33, are expected to arrive at the Pennsylvania State Police barracks in Wyoming this afternoon. They are then expected to be arraigned before District Magisterial Judge James E. Tupper. Business partners in a gay male escort service and several pornographic Web sites, the couple conspired to kill Bryan Charles Kocis, a rival adult film producer, in his Dallas Township home at 60 Midland Drive, police allege. Authorities arrested the two in May in Virginia Beach, Va. The pair refused to waive extradition to Pennsylvania to face murder charges, forcing the Luzerne County district attorney’s office to seek a warrant signed by Gov. Ed Rendell. Cuadra and Kerekes continued to fight extradition until their attorneys decided there were no grounds to contest the governor’s warrant. Investigators found Kocis’ body on the charred remains of his living room couch after responding to the house fire at around 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 23. The 44-year-old’s neck was slashed and his torso stabbed 28 times, then set on fire, according to the autopsy report. Police said Cuadra and Kerekes killed Kocis because they wished to employ one of his premier actors, 19-year-old Sean Lockhart, who was embroiled in a long contract dispute with Kocis.
Check back to citizensvoice.com for more updates
This Elmysterio and I’m out