
The reasoning behind proposition 8 is flawed.

The idea that gay marriage will destroy the family structure is wrong. A man and a woman are not the only thing that makes a family. The family dynamic is based on love and trust and compassion. With more single parents raising children now and most of them are doing an excellent job I might add does not bode well for those who say that gay marriage will destroy a family.

Just like I do not believe that a man should be able to tell a woman not to have a abortion. I do not think that someone should be able to tell me who to love. The basis behind this proposition is to change the Constitution of California and to allow this group of people to legally discriminate. What is wrong with this picture.

The facts are clear why so many are opposed to gay marriage. They feel threatened by gay people and the fact that two people of the same sex can love each other disturbs them. Most people think that being gay is about sex. They also think that being gay is a choice they could not be more wrong. Why in gods name would anyone want to go against what they are taught from day one? To be different? Different is dying your hair blond when you are a brunette or getting a Mohawk hair cut or a tattoo.

Gay is not a choice or a life style. We just are, so I guess the rest of the world will just have to deal with it. The definition of a family is not as clear cut as it was once thought. If there is love and compassion that makes a family.The idea that two gay people would raise a gay child is as absurd as the notion of denying us the right to marry is.The fact is most gay children come from heterosexual families and that can not be denied.Gay people are gay because they are born that way. We are not made gay and you can not make a person gay.

Sex with a person of the same sex does not make you gay it just makes you adventurous or super horny. I really don’t get the big deal about gay men wanting to have sex with straight men. What is the point? Don’t get me wrong I love men, I find them sexy and fun but the idea of a straight guy is not a big turn on for me. I want a man who is as much turned on by me as I am by him so that pretty much excludes straight men because they want woman and I appreciate them for that.

I say keep the church out of the constitution and let the state deal with the laws. If you want to get married in a church that’s fine but the church should not try and set public policy. The laws are written by the state and they are set in place to protect us and they should not be there to segregate us. I say equal rights for all citizens and I do mean all of US. Protect civil rights and vote no on proposition 8

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.



How do we describe all the happenings in the world today? Just looking at what’s going on with the Kocis case and the infighting at LSG Media makes me wonder? It appears the only ones profiting from this whole thing is our friend “the person of interest” and his company. How can that be you ask? Well let’s see, before Bryan Kocis was murdered had you heard of Boybatter much less Harlow Cuadra? No I think not. And if you had you were keeping it to yourself. These are some savvy opportunistic businessmen we are talking about here. They took what could seriously be considered something negative and turned it into a money making venture. The name Drake was nation wide news and so was the name Harlow Cuadra. And about the name Harlow can you believe that. I mean get real he looks the way he does and he was born with that name. It’s just so fitting. Ok so back to the subject, what does Boybatter do, they have Harlow the infamous person of interest meet the elusive Drake in a porn film made the weekend of the GAYvn’s in San Francsico. And they give Drake a last name, can you believe this it’s Mannendez.
I have to admit it’s all clever but it still rates high on my tacky scale. The web master at Boybatter is reading all the blogs that talk about our friend Harlow and he is posting site updates for the readers. I find that so considerate of him to keep us informed of all that is Harlow; thanks Mark. I must admit Harlow is attractive in a devious kind of way. He’s a cross between dangerous and sweet. A scary combination if you ask me it just spells trouble. Yes, he has all the right equipment to be your favorite sexual fantasy
And I bet that some of you are fantasizing about him right now. Which is what BoyBatter is banking on. I for one have visited the sight but only for information purposes. I have not actually seen any of their video material, just the incessant samples that they throw at you as bait. But I am all for people making a buck, but I can not condone doing it in a hurtful way. But as I said before Harlow is a dangerous beauty and he can suck you into his world of sexual intrigue. So to all those who have made the trip to Boybatter I will understand the fact that he made you weak.
Well I got a reply to this post from Mark@Boybatter who says that he does exist. So I am going to correct this post to reflect that. Mark I hope that you can understand my skepticism. There has been some questionable things happening with you guys as of late. Now I will make it Harlow Joe/Trent or JT and Mark. It does make sense that they would have an agent per say and would not answer the phone themselves. So you stay behind the curtain and help the boys get that cash.And now I just want to give a shout out to Mark ,Harlow and Joe/Trent from now on referred to as JT. Good luck guys.

This Elmysterio and im out


Secrets of an undercover Ho

Now I really should not be sharing this but when I retire someone will have too carry on the tradition.
There are a lot of places where you can be an undercover Ho like adult bookstores, public restrooms, sex clubs and bars. I prefer sex clubs, to be exact bathhouses. They have a natural ambience for sex and it is really easy to be an undercover Ho in one. There are certain rules of etiquette that you must adhere too. You must never assume that just because someone is there that they want to fool around with you. You must never grab a person’s private regions in a public place. There are specific places where groping is permitted, the maze, hot-tube and the steam room. You are never to assume that just because you are near a person they are attracted to you. You must look for those subtle signs like the accidental brush of a hand or one of those come-hither looks. Then if you are mutually attracted to the person you can proceed. I for one am not really into the whole public sex thing; I prefer a more private setting. I always get a room so I can get busy in private and hide if necessary. Now there are several ways to attract a partner and I have used a few of them with great success. There are several ways to make your self-available for a partner. You can hang out in the hot tube and strike up a conversation with a possible prospect.
Or just assume a seductive pose in the hot mist of the steam room. You can take a long and seductive shower.
You can lay in a seductive pose in your room and someone will take the bait. The only problem is whether you want what you have attracted. If you have attracted some undesired attention you can simply say no thank you and they will generally move on. But on the oft chance that your polite no thank you does not suffice you may be forced to be rude to them. I for one do not like to be mean but sometimes it is necessary. There have been times when I have been forced to hide from some persistent men who would not take no for an answer. It can be funny at times and scary at other times. Some guys come up with the weakest pick up lines and it just makes me laugh. One guy told me “Baby I would drink a tub of your bath water” so me being the funny person that I am, got a straw from the snack area and gave it to him and pointed him too the hot tub. Now I am not trying to say that I am a sex god, but it is my motto too look your best and you will attract good-looking men. Here’s another rule if you don’t find someone who you find attractive don’t settle and don’t get upset it’s not the end of the world. Most of these places have a high turnover and if you are patient “Mr. Right now” is just around the corner. There are plenty of things to keep you entertained in the mean time you can lift weights in the gym,
watch TV, watch a good porn movie, soak in the hot tube or take a steam. On my last visit to the club, we’ll just call it “Jacuzzi Beach” as I do not want to reveal the real name of the club, it was on a weeknight and it was very relaxed. It was kind of quiet, not like the weekend when the place is full of tweaked out circuit boys. You could have a really nice conversation with someone or just chill. I happened to run into a couple of friends there and we hung out together and we all had a good time just chatting about what’s new in our lives. I did meet a couple of hot guys there as well. On rare occasions you can go there and meet someone and end up becoming “good friends with benefits”. That is the rare exception though most guys are there because they are just trying to escape their humdrum lives and get their rocks off or their boy/girl friend is out of town. Oh and yes I have met many “straight/bisexual” men there. I have also cold busted a few guys who act all “straight” and are married as well. But I use the utmost discretion and have never divulged their secrets. This is a secret world and only those who have been there can understand. Now this is not a place for everybody and it can be really scandalous at times. Now I am not going to go into the messy details this time that may come later. I will just leave you with this message always play safe and you can play again.
This is Elmysterio and I’m out.


Gay, Straight, Bisexual or Whatever

I for one think there are to many labels in the world today. We have to keep everything in a nice little neat packages. America the Beautiful, Home of the Brave and Land of the Free it is anything but that. This whole gay marriage thing is just stupid. Gay people don’t want your typical Marriage; they just want the same rights as all other committed couples. The divorce rate is at an all time high. The religious right wants every one to follow their beliefs. They are the same ones who condemn Muslim extremist but they are all one in the same. And here is where I will probably get the most flak. It was originally thought that homosexuality was a mental sickness, then it was thought to be a learned behavior now it is thought that you are born that way there is also some who think it is genetic. I say that might be true. I for one have always felt that I was different from as far back as I can remember. But was that feeling different me being gay? Well I’m not so sure anymore. I think it was just a heightened awareness of my sexual self. I can remember as far back as 5 years old wanting to play little naughty games with both boys and girls and still feel that way to this day it’s just men and woman now. When I was a kid in the last century sex was considered naughty. But then we had the sexy seventies and all hell broke loose. It was all about sex drugs and disco. Then the inevitable happened and it all came to a slow grinding disastrous halt. AIDS, need I say anything more? Well back to my original thought for this post. I have many friend’s both “gay”, “straight” and “bi” and have had some quite interesting conversations with all of them on the subject of sex. The one thing that has always been front and center has been pleasure. If it feels good do it. The main problem that people have with exploring their sexuality is that there are people who will condemn you for it.
I for one am of the opinion that if you have a dick, you can probably suck one better than someone who doesn’t have one. The same holds true for a pussy. There is this whole stigma with men and anal sex. Most people who condemn it have never had it. They have also not experienced one of the most intense orgasms you can have. The male g-spot is not a myth it is a fact. If it were not true then why would some men want to get fucked in the ass? Now I find it quite interesting that a lot of my “straight” male friends have experienced some sort of ass play whether they are on the receiving end or not most of them with a female. They seem to tell me these things, why I don’t know but they do express their enjoyment of it. I have many female friends who also enjoy same sex encounters. So I am beginning to think that being sexual is more the norm than being tied to one label be it gay, straight or bi. All you have to do is look at the Porn Industry with all the gay for pay people working in it. I think they are just sexual beings and they are doing just what they would be doing whether they were on film or not. I have said it before “If it feels good do it” and I stand by that motto.
This is Elmysterio and I’m Out

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