
The under dog

It seems that I have been trying to stick up for the underdogs my whole life and it has not helped the cause one bit. I have been accused of all manner of things and I just think that it is funny that my accusers are on a mission to make me out as some kind of monster. Well that is your prerogative and you can do and say what ever you want about me if it makes you feel better.

I no longer care to get involved in the controversies of those who lie and cheat and steal and murder. That is what we have courts and lawyers for and I am neither. In the 50 years that I have been on this planet I have come to the conclusion that you can not please some people and no matter what you say there will always be someone who will take issue with it.

So I will only be blogging about things that I deem important to me and if you don’t like it well then there are millions of other blogs to read. To those who think they have won the fight good for you. To those who think I have given up, deal with it. To those who don’t care, keep on keeping on. As for me I am just going to state how I feel about what ever I want to talk about.

The purpose of this blog was never to talk about a murder or a rape. It just happened to be the topic of conversation. So I will leave it to Jim to debunk all of the lies and PC can be the expert on Joe and Harlow and they can have all of the people talk about it there.

So to those who have nasty things to say about me here is your chance to get it out of your system. Have fun with it cause I am going to celebrate my birthday with people who love me and none of you will be there. Kisses.

Just in case you don’t know today is election day and I would advise you to go Vote and Stop worrying about the petty bullshit that you all seem to think is so important.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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Happy Bitrhday Wishes and Happy Halloween

As a few of you might know today is the birthday of the super twink of the new millennium. Yes people he is 22 years old and he appears to be coming into his own. Who would have thought that through all of the misguided ventures and false starts that he would be on the edge of great success. Congratulations Brent Corrigan for you perseverance and the ability to stay in the fight. So we light a candle to help you celebrate 22 years.

I also want to wish you all a happy Halloween because we all need to be happy right about now. I would also like to take this time to announce that I am going in a new direction with my blog. It was starting to look like a blog that was only about Joe and Harlow or porn . That was not my intention for this little place on the Internet.

It would appear that over the years that I have been writing this blog I have made more enemies than friends but that is OK. The friends that I did make I will value forever and they know who they are. It would seem that my opinions on certain subjects has caused a great deal of debate amongst my detractors. With some very interesting comments made in regards to my motives.

Now I am not going to sit here and explain my motives behind anything that I said and I did because I did them and that is enough for you all to know. If you have an issue with what I say you can voice your opinion, will I listen to it well that is a different matter all together. With all of the back stabbing and behind the scenes shit talking going on I find it funny that none of you really have a clue as to who is really manipulating the truth.

As far as the Joe and Harlow case goes I will admit that it was not too smart to get involved in it. I have to say the same thing about Sean and Grant. There is also the whole Mason Wyler thing as well. But the one thing that I will not back down from is my belief that you should get involved in something that you believe in. So to those of you who think that my motives for getting involved revolved around the fact that I was in love with Harlow or that I thought he was hot, or that I have an affinity for porn stars and the winner is “because I was a victim”, you are fucking idiots. As far as to what my motives for getting involved were, I wrote about it but I guess y’all did not care to read that part.

As far a my opinion of who was involved in the murder of Bryan Kocis, I still have my beliefs as to who was involved. Some seem to think that I can not have an opinion and I should agree with the Cobrakiller rants that they are screaming about. The fact that they have said that they were not involved in this case and had no connection to any of those involved not withstanding they are on a serious crusade to clear the name of this one witness of any wrong doing. So I guess in the world of opinions there is a double standard.

As far a statements I made on other blogs and threads I said them and if I did not want them to comeback to haunt me I should not have said them. This post is not an apology to anyone and it is not and admission of anything. it is just me having my say on how I feel with regards to all that has happened over the last year and a half.

To the family of Bryan Kocis, I regret your lose and the way you allowed your grief to impact the lives of so many. While I do not agree with your actions I will say that you are entitled to your opinions. So take the money that Bryan made off the backs of young men who risked their lives and live a happy life.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.
Happy Halloween bitches

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A note to Jim

Jim most likely won’t publish this comment on his blog so I thought I would put it here.

Jim, since you seem to think I lied about Joe and Harlow’s finances well to tell you the truth I did not pull a illegal credit on report on them because it really did not matter to me. Your good friend PC did that.

PC told me that they had bad credit and he also told me allot of other things but I did not trust PC and I still don’t. Most of you know why I don’t trust him. So you can harp on that line of bullshit all you want. As far as Mason goes I am not defending his story as being factual.

I just wonder what is in this for you Jim?

Why are you so intent on bashing peoples reputations?

If anyone should be questioned it should be you. You seem to want to be the paragon of truth but that is something that you are not and you have never been. You believed PC’s lies and you are taking Chad Manning’s word as the gospel truth. Have you confirmed that Chad was raped? do you have police reports? Do you have witness testimony to prove that your “witness” to Mason lying is not in fact lying himself?

About the fake picture what should Mason tell you so that you will stop asking the same questions over and over again.

About any of this what can Mason do to change the attitudes of those who do not believe him?

You see Jim you have made it perfectly clear that you doubt that Mason is telling the truth and there is really no way for Mason to get you to believe him.

There is a police report but because it does not have Mason’s name and address on it, it is therefore a fake or it belongs to someone else.

As far as media coverage the story is posted on GAYVN but because Mason was interviewed it is slanted and therefore since Mason can not be trusted it must therefore be a lie.

As far as anything else goes with this story it all really is based on the fact that Mason said it happened in a different city and on a different date and he used a fake picture in a attempt to protect his and his boyfriends privacy.

So since he is trying to protect his privacy I think you all think that you should go on a all out witch hunt to find out the truth and then what?

So you can sit in the temple of truth with the smug satisfaction that you have just drug someone through shit for you own satisfaction?

Yes I will admit that this is a bitchy comment and I really don’t care.

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The end of a error

As I sit here this early Wednesday morning, I reflect upon the times I had with Damon Kruezer and regret that I ever did. I never knew what true ignorance was until the day I first read his technicolor trash page. I was aghast by the lies he called news. He never got anything right, he belittled people, he would reveal their secrets to their loved ones and torment you because you would not respond to his drivel. You see Damon is a very sick lonely man whose only desire is to be noticed by anyone. You see he has been hiding behind his mommy for sixty years. To scared to come out into the real world with the truth.

Well it appears that Damon just got a invitation to come out in the real world that he can not refuse. It would appear that Damon’s lies and cruel insanity has just earned him a visit to the real world. A place that fills him with terror. He pushed the wrong victim to the boiling point and his stupidity has just earned him an audience with the law. His crimes are said to be Internet Harassment, Cyber Stalking, Fraud and Forgery. Those are the few that I can think of right now.

His pitiful cry fowl just made me laugh, he says that he is faultless yet we all have documented evidence that he did all that he is accused of. I don’t pity the man for anything that is going to happen to him. You see he attacked me unprovoked and unasked for. He was having issues with the fact that my little upstart of a blog was higher in the Alexa ratings than his. He fell to a all time low in his little world of Damon and he was on the attack. He lashed out at me and he lashed out at Julien only to get lashed back at. Damon did not know better than to fuck with a bitch.

His reputation proceeded him because we knew all about his tactics. But the sad thing is that Joe and Harlow did not know the truth about Damon. They emailed me about doing a interview and this is what they said “O some magazine named damon kruzer wants to do magazine on Harlow now too”. They did not even have a clue who he was. I told those fools not to talk to him but they did not listen again. Now you can truly see the mess that Damon has caused.

Damon causes damage where ever he goes. He calls himself the so called “Voice of Gay America” and the sad thing is he believed that shit. Poor lonely deluded Damon is his imaginary world with his imaginary boyfriend Marc and his imaginary backers and his imaginary readers is going to have a real experience with the law and we shall all revel in abandon at the idea of justice finally prevailing. We all have one soul brave enough to step up to the plate and say no more to thank for this prize and that is Angel Skye. Angel Skye has been taking hits from this “Internet Maggot” for months now and he’s finally said no more. Damon finally went to far and now we get to watch with great anticipation the total humiliation of a demon.


This is Elmysterio and I’m out.
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