I have changed the name of my blog because so many of you seem to think that I don’t have a clue. Since there are so many Elmisms out there to describe my state of mind I decided to go with my favorite. Yes Vincent you are the winner, It’s Elmteligence is my favorite. I know you meant it in a sarcastic way but I thought it was funny and it truly just grew on me.
I was going to do a whole bunch of posts about who said and did whatever but I have decided not to go there. I really does not matter anymore. This was a sad experience for allot of people and I am personally tired of looking at this train wreck. This blog was never meant to be about a murder case. I never asked for anyone to email me about it. I was never a huge fan of any of those involved.
I was never for one “team” or the other. I just kind of was placed in that niche because I never “attacked” Joe or Harlow. I always believed that you were innocent until proven guilty and I still do. But I guess that theory is to high brow for some to understand. There is still plenty about this whole mess that has not been revealed and I guess it will never be revealed. So now I will blog about what really interests me and if you want to know what that is stick around. If you don’t care there are plenty of other places to go and talk about this murder case.
This is Elmysterio and I’m out.