damon Kruezer

I am pissed off at the porn industry right now

The truth of the matter is I have no stake in the porn industry. I don’t have to worry about Kent Barclay outing me to my family or my school or my place of employment. Kent Barclay has no dirt on me and even if he did it would not matter because he is powerless against me. If he fucks with me like he has apparently fucked with the gay porn industry I would tear him a new asshole. I guess you all in the gay porn industry are just too fucking chicken shit to stop his bullshit. Go ahead and allow him to attack and berate your performers and stalk and harass them. That is all on you.

But when you all wake up one day and the industry is shut down and no one is making any money any more you will all have yourselves to thank for that. You complacent attitudes towards this vile and disgusting man are going to be your down fall. Believe me it has happened before and it will happen again. All of you who use Damon Kruezer to do you nasty bidding will soon find out that it was not worth it. All of your lies and tricks to get an edge over the competition will all come back to bite you in the ass.

What you don’t seem to realize is that Kent is using you just like you are using him. He is using you to get his jollies by claiming that he is some industry bigshot talking to the young models that are your fucking bread and butter and when they don’t give Kent what he wants he goes on a mission to destroy them. That is all fine and good, but do you know what, one day a young model is going to take his life and the grieving parents of this young man are going to take this to the court of public oppinion and this will get so much media attention that it will shut all of your stupid asses down.

And all because you would not put a stop to your petty disagreements and you allowed this vile menace from Quincy to bring you all down in the gutter with him. after 11 (eleven) years of all of you people in the industry feeding him information on others in the industry it will all blow up in your faces. Yes I know al about who feeds damon information and you all know who you are. When this happens you will all only have yourselves to blame and no one else.

You can already see that the old guard has lost their strong hold on the business and it is changing hands faster than you can film content. The industry is changing and the old ways you handled things must change as well. Keep doing the same old bullshit and you will end up in a hovel with an Internet connection surfing escort sites and trying to chat up young boys just like Kent Barclay. It will be a sad end to what could have been great.

this is elmysterio and I’m out


Is Damon Kruezer the most hated man "in" gay porn?

We all know that Damon Kruezer really has no tie too the Gay Adult Film industry and he is only used by the most unscrupulous people in the industry. Damon is just an attack dog used by the many who are to chicken shit to confront their victims themselves. Damon has admitted that he did work for Bryan Kocis and was working on the harassment of Brent Corrigan when his own mother was evicted from her apartment of 17 years. Paul Barresi just uses Damon when he wants to back stab someone. Chris Steele and Paul Barresi his “friends” were working on “The Velvet Mafia” starring Brent Corrigan but Damon did not even revue it. Damon’s claims about working with many models are in fact lies. Damon has never been to an industry function and his name is verboten.

I was reading the comments on the threads about the Advocate article by C. Brian Smith. His inclusion of Damon Kruezer as a source for information on the gay porn industry was at best troubling. I have come to the conclusion that this whole article must be a joke. Well it must be because C. Brian smith is a writer of satire and the use of Damon Kruezer as point of reference is his attempt at humor right? It seems that he was trying to use Damon Kruezer as some sort of joke that seems to have fallen flat. Maybe C. Brian Smith has never actually looked at Damon’s Technicolor trash page. Because if he had he would be well aware of Damon’s false claims about being one of the last people to interview Harlow Cuadra. I also believe that he never spoke to Patrick Terpstra who also took Damon on his word that he was connected to the gay porn industry and that he interviewed Harlow Cuadra. If C. Brian Smith had spoken to Patrick Terpstra he would know that the mere mention of Damon Kruezer could be a huge mistake.

I wonder if C. Brian Smith ever spoke to Michael Gross who wrote the article for Out Magazine on the Bryan Kocis murder. Michael could have given C. Brian some insight on Damon Kruezer. I wonder if C. Brian Smith even did an Internet search on Damon Kruezer. If he did he would have come up with a wealth of information on Damon Kruezer. I wonder if C. Brian Smith actually asked anybody who is connected with the Gay porn Industry if he would have mentioned Damon Kruezer. I wonder if he spoke to someone at Cybersocket would he have used the name Damon Kruezer. It is just sad that someone who has such a bright future ahead of him as C. Brian Smith now has to deal with his name forever being connected with the taint of Damon Kruezer. But I guess he is used to being connected with world class idiots.
C. Brian Smith is a Yale educated writer and he is also a contributing writer for The Huffington Post. C. Brian Smith is a good friend of former first daughter Barbara Bush. He tells about how they met in a Vanity Fair article. He seems to be pro gay since he himself identifies as a gay man. He is a writer of satire and I do believe the fact that he used Damon as a source in the piece he wrote for the Advocate was done in a satirical form, which seems to have backfired on him and the Advocate. It seems that C. Brian Smith might not have done enough research on Damon Kruezer. He does not appear to get a true feeling of how many people do not like Damon Kruezer. Maybe he missed the post on Just One Hot minute that dealt with Damon’s Cybersocket awards Nomination and visit or the lack there of to LA. Maybe he did not catch their post about Damon and his lie about the sell of Falcon Studios.

Now I can understand that C. Brian Smith has written for some rather prestigious publications and I have really only written on my blogs but even I know enough to not give Damon Kruezer any credit. I tend to do a bit more research when I write something. Yes I can be lazy about it sometimes and not get all of the facts right and when I do make a mistake I will admit it. Lets see if C. Brian Smith will man up and admit that he made a big mistake by using Damon Kruezer as a reliable source in his story in that Advocate article on the Gay Porn Industry. An industry that will not even speak the name Damon Kruezer. I wonder if he is aware of all of the people that have been victims of the words and lies of Damon Kruezer. There have been few in history that have had such a negative effect on peoples lives like that of Damon Kruezer and they too are forever vilified. Damon Kruezer has no credibility and is a known liar and a fraud and the sooner the mainstream gay press takes him to task the better. Lets see if the Advocate and C. Brian Smith do the right thing.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

The Advocate, Porn Panic or C. Brian Smith’s Porn Mistake.

The Advocate has just posted an article on the porn industry. About how it is in a virtual tailspin with the advent of free porn sites and piracy. It also discusses how the major studios are pinching pennies to stay afloat. It is interesting reading but there are some glaring mistakes in this article that I just can not stay silent about. I have sent the publisher an email with links to different articles and blogs that discuss the major problem with this article and I hope they get a clue real soon. The email is below.
I Just read the article by C. Brian Smith on Porn Panic the article was decent but it was the inclusion of Damon Kruezer that I find it quite upsetting. I just don’t understand why there are so many reporters who really do not have a clue. I have read many articles about the gay porn industry and none of the articles seem to do any fact checking on their sources. The one blatant error in this article is the use of Kruezer at night. Do an Internet search on the name Damon Kruezer and you will get an eyeful of useful information on this Internet Maggot.
This man has for the last 10 + years stalked and lied too and defrauded so many people that no one in the industry will even speak to him yet you use him as a resource? That is a shameless mistake on your part and it seriously takes away from the validity and the credibility of this article. You might want to go back to your other sources and ask them about this Damon Kruezer. Now if you did an article on him that would be some good reading.
There are plenty of people who you already spoke to for this article who would have some interesting things to tell you about him. Damon is someone that the industry will not even mention. While you are talking to dear old Damon you should ask him about his attendance at the Cybersocket awards or better yet any of the gay awards shows honoring the porn industry. He has never been to one of them. He is not an industry insider and never has been, he is an Internet pariah.
You can email your disgust to this address. [email protected]
This is Elmysterio and I’m pissed
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cyber-ciminal press realese

To all
Gay Online Social Networks and their members.

From Matt Conaster [email protected] and the GorgeousBoys Online Entertainment Network.

An individual claiming to represent himself as a gay news journalist or gay
talent agent in the adult entertainment industry has been circulating within the
gay online communities of the internet. This individual represents himself using
an alias name, known as Damon Kruezer and may offer you a link to a website.
Said website will represent spoofed information about industry insider
information and industry gossip to cause you to believe you are dealing with a
reputable person.

The nature of this scheme works very simple, here is how it usually works: You
will receive online communication via email or instant messenger from this
individual. He will make proposals of introducing you to a new and rewarding
career in the adult film industry. He will debrief you for vital information
such as age, date of birth, names of members of your family and other personal

It would appear you would be making an application for employment
by answering his questions about such information. He will ask you to email him
personal images of yourself. After you provide him this information he will
publish what appears to be an interview with you on his website. After
developing a rapport with you online and claiming to you he has provided you
with necessary publicity he will then ask for money. Of course after you send
money to him nothing will ever develop toward landing you employment in a film
or other areas of the industry.

Many victims of these schemes sometimes don’t have money to pay the “publicity
fee” or later begin to question the creditability of the offerings. Once you
fail to make payment or question the creditability of him he will then extort
you by explaining to you that he will contact your family and friends, employer
and or associations and share with them the personal information you may have
shared with him to include photographs you may have submitted to him. Often
victims give in and pay him to avoid having this information shared.

Blackmail/Extortion is the serious felony crime of threatening to reveal damaging or embarrassing information in order to coerce money or other goods or
forms of cooperation out of a victim. For blackmail to be effective, the blackmailer must, in most cases, have physical proof of the information he
threatens to reveal, such as photographs or emails.

The victim of blackmail is typically threatened with exposure of his private
life, the consequences of which can range from embarrassing to socially
devastating to legally damning. At its most serious, blackmail may rest on the
exposure of a serious crime, which would do infinitely more damage to the victim
than complying with the blackmailer. Even secret information that is not of a
criminal nature, however, can make the victim of blackmail feel that he has no
recourse against the crime.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).
IC3’s mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal
complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The IC3 gives
the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that
alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations. For law
enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and local level, IC3
provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related

If you feel you have been a victim of Damon Kruezer or other like matter you
may file a complaint with the FBI and IC3 online at: http://www.ic3.gov

This is a public service announcement from GorgeousBoys Online Entertainment
Network and we have sent this public message to all 147,323 users of our
network. If this material doesn’t affect you but you have knowledge of someone
else who may be the victim of such crime please feel free to forward this



Links to the Truth about Cyber Criminal Kent Barclay AKA Damon Kreuzer

The Last Straw With Kruezer (Just One Hot Minute)

The Truth About Damon Kreuzer

Liar-Fraud-Imposter (The Bud Foxx Archive)

Former Damon Fan

Lies and the Truths Behind Them…

Kent Barclay on Trial

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