
I am pissed off at the porn industry right now

The truth of the matter is I have no stake in the porn industry. I don’t have to worry about Kent Barclay outing me to my family or my school or my place of employment. Kent Barclay has no dirt on me and even if he did it would not matter because he is powerless against me. If he fucks with me like he has apparently fucked with the gay porn industry I would tear him a new asshole. I guess you all in the gay porn industry are just too fucking chicken shit to stop his bullshit. Go ahead and allow him to attack and berate your performers and stalk and harass them. That is all on you.

But when you all wake up one day and the industry is shut down and no one is making any money any more you will all have yourselves to thank for that. You complacent attitudes towards this vile and disgusting man are going to be your down fall. Believe me it has happened before and it will happen again. All of you who use Damon Kruezer to do you nasty bidding will soon find out that it was not worth it. All of your lies and tricks to get an edge over the competition will all come back to bite you in the ass.

What you don’t seem to realize is that Kent is using you just like you are using him. He is using you to get his jollies by claiming that he is some industry bigshot talking to the young models that are your fucking bread and butter and when they don’t give Kent what he wants he goes on a mission to destroy them. That is all fine and good, but do you know what, one day a young model is going to take his life and the grieving parents of this young man are going to take this to the court of public oppinion and this will get so much media attention that it will shut all of your stupid asses down.

And all because you would not put a stop to your petty disagreements and you allowed this vile menace from Quincy to bring you all down in the gutter with him. after 11 (eleven) years of all of you people in the industry feeding him information on others in the industry it will all blow up in your faces. Yes I know al about who feeds damon information and you all know who you are. When this happens you will all only have yourselves to blame and no one else.

You can already see that the old guard has lost their strong hold on the business and it is changing hands faster than you can film content. The industry is changing and the old ways you handled things must change as well. Keep doing the same old bullshit and you will end up in a hovel with an Internet connection surfing escort sites and trying to chat up young boys just like Kent Barclay. It will be a sad end to what could have been great.

this is elmysterio and I’m out



Well it looks like Kent Barklay AKA Damon Kruezer was a no show at the Cybersocket awards. There were polls and predictions about whether Kentie was going to show up. Some were hoping for Kentie’s sake he would show up but alas he did not. There was live blogging and there was even a reporter at the event. Quickysrt was there and he did a fabulous job of reporting. I got this info from Jim’s, Kent Barclay on trial blog and you can read all of the comments there. Quickysrt even took pictures for all of us to see.

We also had a great job being done by Matt and the Boss at Georgous boys JustOne Hot Minute Blog. They actually sent a cab to Damon’s house to try and get him to the awards ceremony. Lets hope they have pictures of Damon refusing to answer the door. At least this time he did not hide in the bathroom.
Everybody was reporting in confirming that Damon was not in WEHO at all but at home blogging. There were up to the minute IP checks being sent from blog to blog and Kentie even updated his website. Stating that he had to cosmetically alter his appearence and sneek in through a side door. Something about bounty hunters and process servers. Maybe that is why he did not open his door for the cabdriver.

It looks like the truth squad was on their P’ and Q’s last night as we were all looking for The Unmentioned One. One thing that was noticed by Quickysrt was that there was no mention of the name Damon Kruezer at the awards ceremony. I guess that should be a clue as to how well he is liked in the industry. A industry that he proclaims himself as The Patriarch of Homoerotica. It looks like he was relegated to the barn last night when company came. Damon should take lessons on reporting from a red carpet event from Quickysrt.

quickysrt report is located here @ February 10, 2009 8:27 AM

Hi, Just got in from the Cybersockets awards. It was a really nice party and well done.I drove over and found parking right where I expected to. I walk up and see that they are checking names against a list. Then I realized that I signed up with Cybersockets email notices last year when voting for Brent, and could not remember what name I used (I’m sure it was not my own), and email addresses were not on their list. I explained that I
got the invite via email, and that no I did not RSVP because it did not ask me to. Long story short, they looked at my honest face, and said ok, good enough and not only let me enter but gave me the green wrist band for entrance to the upper VIP floor where the nominees and close friends were holding court.I get up there and the vibe is really pleasant and friendly. Jason S. and Chi Chi were laughing, Jason seemed really to be enjoying the evening, and Chi Chi posed for some pictures with Johnny Hazard for me.
Blake Riley and Johnny were in a corner booth together horsing around I was snapping away trying to get a good shot of the two of them together, but in each try – one of them looked wrong. So I took a lot of pictures of the two of them but not sure what I got. Jason S. afterward walked over and shook my hand like a true professional PR person would. I said I just read his blog, and that I’m not important. He thanked me for reading and I continued talking pictures of some of the nominated porn stars chatting it up.The whole party vibe was relraxed and fun, trays were being passed of
coconut shrimp, chicken sate, marinated steak, etc.You just did not want to ruin this good cheer by asking any one of they had seen kent. It was like kentie was not only not there, but like he did not exist.Ok, so I got lots of really great pictures, and am feeling good as the show gets off to a start. First winner read was “Best Blog” and Chi-Chi said “I have been asked to read the winner but not the nominees,” and then the winner was read. The feeling that kentie did not exist was confirmed when the Cybersockets awards did not acknowledge he existence, nor his blog.But Chi Chi like the pro that she is kept the show moving flawlessly and nobody in the room seemed to notice nor care that kentie was erased from the list of nominees, as if the entire city of West Hollywood washed their hands of his entire spamming game.To tell you the truth, it was a very classy party, Cybersocket seems to know that made a mistake, but I think they handled it with as much grace as one can.I just never got around to asking anyone if they had seen kent. It would have been the most uncool thing you could do at least up on the VIP floor. Maybe below in the ground level bar it would have been almost ok, but up here in the VIP room it was all real directors, models, and true media talent. These were the real industry players here. I was welcomed into the upper VIP section right away I was not about to do something really dumb like mention the unmentionable one.

This was a great Report from Quickysrt Maybe Kentie should take lessons.

This is Elmysterio and I’m Yves Mignon and I’m out

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