college dudes 247

Porn as art, whoda thunk it?

Kurt Wild wants to bring the art house and the whorehouse together and make artistic porn. What is funny is that many don’t seem to get it. Kurt wants to bring the heat, sensuality and the passion back to porn in the same way Kristen Bjorn, Lucas Kazan and Cadinot have. Belami has on occasion touched on that fine line as well. But most companies seem to think that two hot guys fucking is the recipe for a hot scene. I just don’t understand that rational. To me porn is not just about two people fucking. It really is about the fact that the people you are watching fuck really want to be there fucking. That they are so into what they are doing that you the viewer does not exist. You know the kind of porn you feel dirty watching because you feel like your spying on a private moment between two people.

There needs to be chemistry between the models and I have been saying this forever. It seems that lately “reality porn” or the free stuff you can watch on Xtube and similar sites is pulling the viewer away from the “big budget” porn. The one thing that I have noticed about the “big budget” stuff that I have seen is that it is just so formatted. The director has to be aware that some times he just has to step back and let the models go and make sure that he has cameras there to catch the magic. A good sex scene has a beginning middle and an end. It has to flow and it has to build in intensity. What I have seen in most of the porn lately is just a rush to a cum shot. In all truth good sex is nasty and dirty and it rarely gets depicted that way in porn.

All you have to do is think of one of the hottest times that you had sex and you know you would not want someone filming it because it was not pretty. Porn tries to sanitize that bit of nastiness and sometimes in doing so they loose the spontaneity. What I find strange in porn is that models are chosen for their looks and they don’t have an attraction to each other. The scenes often fall flat and you have just put two people through hell for what you thought would be a hot scene. Sex is really about attraction and it always has been. It is chemical and physical and emotional and it has to have all of those components to be hot.

Just because two guys have nice bodies does not make them compatible. Sometimes it does happen but for the most part I have noticed that it is the opposites that attract who make for a hot scene. I have mentioned Kurt Wild a few times on my blog and he has never failed to deliver when it comes to heat on the screen. One thing that I have noticed is that allot of the boys who are making a definite mark on the gay porn scene have come from the website porn scene. Two sites in particular have been the beginning playgrounds for allot of the models that are becoming big names in the industry. Corbin Fisher and College dudes 247 seem to be flooding the market with hot talent.

These Models seem to go from company to company and are consistent in putting on a hot performance. You have Jesse Santana, Mason Wyler, Kurt Wild, Adam Campbell and Tory Mason all from Corbin Fisher. There are others out there that are just as consistently hot too. Zack Randal, Aaron James and Shane Erickson have also made the cross over to big studio porn. And a bunch of them all went to different online sites such as College Dudes 247, Chaosmen, Sean Cody and Cockyboys, etc. These web based porn companies are putting out the best content in my opinion. And when these boys do step on the set of studio porn they are ready and they make the scenes work. But then we have what I call the dead fish of porn. You have Brody Sinclair, Mike Roberts and Barrett Long who constantly proclaim their straightness.

When will these lackluster bitches learn that we don’t care who they fuck off the screen?
Porn is about fantasy and every time these gay for pay bitches open their stupid mouths they ruin the fantasy. So to all of the gay for pay bitches out there I say shut the fuck up and quite bitching about people thinking you are gay. You fuck men on camera, get a god damn clue bitches! And to the viewing public who are offended by these “straight men” doing gay porn stop watching their shit and the producers will get the clue. As long as the scene is hot I really don’t care if you have sex with a fence post in your private life. I say make it look real make it look hot and make me want to watch it again that is the key to good porn. It is also the key to saving the industry. Buying porn is not cheap and you have to make it worth the money for someone to pay $30.00 a month or to drop $50.00 on a video.

The porn industry seems to be going the way of extreme porn and they are loosing focus of what is hot and only trying to get a buck for the shit they produce. I have seen my share of bareback porn, as a matter of fact that is all there was when I started my porn-viewing career. So it really was not such a big deal to see a boy take a big cock up his ass with out a condom. So if you want to watch bareback porn there is still plenty of it available and the boys who did it are most likely dead now. We need to be responsible and not teach the message that fucking bareback is safe. All you have to do is look at a Treasure Island video and you will see what the effect of bareback porn has on a person. All of the companies who are producing twink bareback are just being irresponsible for a buck. The idea of watching a cute little 18-year old boy risk getting infected with HIV is not my idea of erotic. It is sad and it pisses me off that the people who are producing this shit are most likely old enough to know the effect that unprotected sex had on the porn industry and the gay community in the 80’s and the 90’s. We lost some very talented people because of Aids. And if this practice keeps up we will continue to do so.

I understand that porn is a business and it is about making money but just because it is does not mean you have to exploit the talent pool, who just happen to be the key to your success. It is that attitude that will be the downfall of this industry. Those who do not exploit will succeed and those who do will fall by the wayside surrounded by the bodies of the boys that they destroyed. It is already happening and it will continue to do so until there are some serious changes made in what type of content is produced and what kind of treatment is afforded to the talent that makes this industry function. The models in porn are human beings not just some throwaway commodity. Once the producers realize this the better for the industry.

This is elmysterio and I’m out


Moving on.

It seems that my blog has become a place where all we discuss is the murder of Bryan Kocis. Well that is far from my only interest in life. As I have been blogging here since February and I am getting just a bit tired of all of this. So I have stated my views and now I will be moving on to different subjects, which is what I originally wanted to do with this blog. So this murder will no longer be the center of attention of my blog. I will not delete the older posts and they will remain there for you to read. I will still comment on it as it is still one of my interests so you can still expect to hear from me on that subject. That being said lets move on.

Now for a bit of news: I just received an email from the new owners of Boybatter and they seem to think that my little blog is a good place to make this announcement. Well I guess I already made that announcement did I not, oh well so much for suspense. Well here is the news anyway; they are no longer affiliated with Joe and Harlow. The new owners are going to reopen the Boisrus site and it will be a site where you can send your amateur videos in and they can be voted on and the winners will receive fabulous prizes. It will no longer be affiliated with the escort site as there will not be any of “that” going on there.

As for the Boybatter site they have some new content and they are going to be updating it on a regular basis. It appears that Angel and Star are doing some work for them. So far they have 5 new scenes up and ready and more on the way. They had to move to a new server as they were having trouble with some Turkish rebels who did not like the site. But that is all behind them and the site appears to be working fine now. If you want to get a idea of what is going on at the new and improved Boybatter and Boisrus site check out Drab Boiz. He will be posting updates and links on his site.

Then we have the little issue of Joey K. who it seems is a little bent out of shape about the sale of the company he and Harlow helped to build. His latest rant on his blog seems to be a direct result of his demands of certain financial considerations not being met. I guess he is just a little pissed that he did not get considered a little more in the financial department and he carried out the threat that he made against Harlow. So I guess that there really is no deal between Harlow and the DA. Just Joe blowing off some more steam. I just have a bit of advice for Joey K., shut up and let your attorneys do the talking and follow Harlow’s lead. Oh well since when has Joe ever listened to me anyway? There are two instances that come to mind when he did not.

I am not in the porn industry and never have been but I have known several people who were and still are involved. So my view was always from the outside looking in. I don’t really understand what the whole hoopla is all about when it comes to some guys and girls taking of their cloths and having sex on camera for others to watch. That is something that I have never done and when I was offered the chance I turned it down. As far as doing porn goes I just read the latest post over on Brent Corrigan’s blog and he does one of his long dissertations on the pros and cons of the business and it was quite interesting. The little bitch must have read my mind or something cause I was going to do a post just like that.

To me most of the porn out there is not that good. It just appears to be some models going through the motions. There have been highlights that I have seen over the years but they are few and far between. The Boisrus idea seems like something that just might work out because you will have people who are into each other performing the nasty on film or tape or whatever the fuck you record on these days. And it will be a pay-site where you can submit your own content and get voted on. I guess it will be a kind of Sex Star Search. Now how cool is that. I wonder is there is going to be a special talent category? Now that could be interesting.

So I was thinking the other day that if I were going to put together my favorite scenes from several different porn movies and create the best porn movie ever what scenes would they be? So I started to go through the archives and find out which scenes were the hottest that I have seen in recent years. That my dear readers is going be a most daunting task to say the least. What are the criteria for a porn scene to be hot? Well I would have to say chemistry between the models is a given. The models don’t necessarily have to be hot as fuck for that to occur. But the if the models are attractive that does help but what is really hot is when the models appear as if they would choose the partner that they are paired with.

But I can say that I have seen a few that cum to mind right away. One of them is the now infamous scene with Kurt Wild and Julien when he was with Corbin Fisher when he gets fucked for the first time. That was hot. Then there was the scene with Chaosmen when he blew his wad for the first time while getting fucked the look on his face was priceless. Oh and Kurt is very vocal while in the throws of passion. A couple of his best lines were “Fuck me like you mean it” and “Man handle me” that was hot.

Then there was the scene with Harlow and Troy from Boybatter. That scene was way hot and I must also add it was quite sensuous as well. Another great line was uttered in that one and it was not so much the line but how it was said. When troy is getting it good and he say’s “Fuck me Harlow” and you knew he meant it. Funny thing is most of the scenes that are really hot that come to mind where with amateur companies. It looks like the pros are slipping a bit behind in the hotness category. But you can’t count them out yet. So it would appear that Boisrus just might be on to something here.

There was the scene with the late Danny Roddick and Alex Chandler from Hard Studies as well as his pairing with Josh Weston in Boot Black Blues. Those were hot scenes and they were done by Buckshot. That warehouse scene in Wrong Side Of The Tracks with Johnny Hazzard and Shane Rollins was way hot. Channe 1 releasing won a few awards for that one, Go Chi Chi.

As far as the sites that I enjoy for their content: Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, Chaosmen, Boybatter and College Dudes 247 come to mind. There are several others who have shinning moments but they are in no way consistent. So I want you to all chime in with your feedback so we can see if we can cum up with the hottest porn video of all time.

So tell me what scenes you thought were hot and who was in the scene and why it was so hot that you remember it and we will discuss it and add it to the list. I really don’t feel that it has to be any certain category because I like it all from bear to jock to twink. As long as the scene is hot I really don’t think it matters all that much. So lets get this discussion under way and see what we all can come up with. Hope to hear from you all soon.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.

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