
Lies and Fabrication, Trickery and Deceit.

For those of you late to the game here’s a quick recap of this sordid tale. Brent Corrigan super twink of the new millenium was under contract with Cobra Studios. He stared in 2 of the biggest grossing porn movies of all time. He made Cobra Video very popular and the owner rich and he also had a brief affair with the owner of the studio, Bryan Kocis. Brent left the studio breaking his contract and stating that he was underage when he filmed his movies for Cobra. He went to San Diego, California and hooked up with Grant Roy and they became lovers. Brent and grant started their own company called Brent Corrigan online with a majority partner Lee Bergeron. Their company is called LSG Media. Bryan got pissed and told Brent that “traitors will be dealt with” and filled for a trademark on the name Brent Corrigan. He then tried to get Brent to go to court in Pennsylvania and produce his real birth certificate. Brent did not go to court on the advice of his counsel, this in turn made Bryan even angrier and he filed a million-dollar federal suit against Brent, Grant, Lee and LSG Media for cyber-squatting, trademark infringement and breach of contract. So we have a year of back and forth name calling and Bryan starts his own web-site with derogatory images of Brent and free content. It was quite entertaining to say the least. But all good things must come to an end. Both parties settled in secret negotiations and all the documents were signed and the deal was set to go through. On January 24 six days after everyone signed the legal papers Bryan Kocis was murdered in his home by an unknown assailant. His throat was slashed and he was stabbed 28 time and his house was set on fire. The police confiscated his personal computer and whatever other evidence was left and filed 6-search warrant’s 3 sealed and 3 public. They found an email that Bryan had sent to an associate stating that he was to meet a new model on the night he was killed. The police released a small blurred photo of the model and referred to him as a person of interest with the possible last name of “Drake”. The gay porn blog world was a buzz with this “hotguy” as a possible suspect and he was identified in a matter of hours. The person of interest turns out to be one Harlow Cuadra: gay male escort/porn-star and escort agency president. Harlow states in a news interview that he is the person in the picture but that he has never met the murder victim Bryan Kocis. This is debatable, as they were both in Las Vegas when he, Brent, Grant, And Joe went to dinner at Le Cirque.
This was during the AVN seminars and Bryan attended them. Harlow also stated that he did meet Brent Corrigan and discussed a business deal that never came to be. Meanwhile Boybatter sends out a newsletter to their subscribers 5 days before Bryan is murdered saying that big things are coming and they will be working with super twink porn-star Brent Corrigan. Brent who says that they spoke before he went to New York to film a movie short and they made him an offer that he thought was to good to be true on Jody Wheeler’s blog. This post was removed later the same day that it was posted at Brent’s request. In this same post Brent said, “Harlow and Joe really fucked it up” and he also said that “they were on the run”. Many Harlow sightings and his appearance at the GAYVN’s in San Francisco contradicted the second statement. Rumors flew about a secret film being shot at the W hotel in San Francisco with Harlow and Brent. Things were still all a twitter on Jason’s web-site then they kind of died down a bit then this week all hell breaks loose. I made a post called “All Quiet On The Kocis Case” and got a reply from Jim with a link to a news story about a new film from Harlow and company called “Harlow meets Drake”. I was shocked that Boybatter would do something so insensitive since the case was still being investigated. But in light of recent developments in the case I can see their anger at the whole situation. Well I think this pretty much brings us current with who’s who and who did what to whom. So on to the present.

Well it appears things are real shaky over at LSG Media our friend Brent Corrigan put up a new post today only to remove it hours later. “Brent Corrigan put’s the LAY in DeLAY”. It seems he spoke about things he was not supposed too. I am going to remain skeptical about any thing Brent says but I did send him a letter attached to a post on his blog asking him to answer the questions his fans wanted answers too. He never posted my comment. It appears I was not the only one who did this. Apparently Brent got the message and responded only to remove the post. My question is why did he removed it, was he forced too? I knew that something was up at LSG Media but I did not know it was as bad as Brent wants us to believe. I guess Grant Roy has been impeached as President. It appears that Lee Bergeron’s business acumen is busy at work here. It looks like every business he touches turns to shit. LSG Media has no new content and as Brent put it “the website isn’t as shiny as it needs to be”. He did briefly touch on the question of the donations the fans had made too him and he thanked them and the fact that he has not been paid for any of the work he has done for LSG Media. This whole affair is getting really sticky and not in a good way. Meanwhile over at the Boybatter camp it appears that the Virginia police did search Harlow and companies personal crib while they were away. And removed several items and basically made a big mess of the place. Well I guess the police did contact Harlow they just were not from “up north” in Pennsylvania. Harlow and Joe or is it Mark, have lawyered up with Attorneys Barry Taylor and Graydon Brewer and are trying to get the details about the search warrant unsealed to find out what was the evidence behind the warrant. Harlow is under no Circumstances allowed to talk to the police says his attorney Barry Taylor. Harlow and company are pumping out product and it now appears that they have a vendetta against the Pennsylvania State Police. Hence their production of
“Harlow and Drake” which is a blatant slap in the face of the murder case and the Kocis family. The “Harlow and Drake” video makes more sense now after reading the Times Leader article. And now they have shot a follow up piece to it and are soon to be shooting a big production in Hawaii. I said in an earlier post “I hope Harlow has all his ducks in a row”; I guess he did. This story gets more convoluted everyday. How is all this going to affect Cobra Video with all this mess surrounding their prize star? It really looks like Brent Corrigan just can’t get a break. He is an indentured servant at Cobra Video and LSG Media. Their former fans and non-fans alike are punishing Brent and Grant. They have been called all sorts of names and have had their personal information spread all over the Internet. I really don’t know how they are surviving; I would crawl into bed in a darkened room and never leave. Looks like Brent’s only real joy now is his new found friends and Donkey Punch. Harlow appears to be putting on a brave face too. He is starring in several Boybatter Productions and he is soon to be in Hawaii fucking for cash. Mark or Joe is this one in the same person? Well whatever is just post happy over at Jason’s News Desk. BoyBatter has 700 new members and it appears to be going higher every day as per Joe/Mark. So what’s next in this saga of lies, fabrication, trickery and deceit. Who knows this is Elmysterio and I’m out.

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Rod Majors

It appears that Rod Majors finds himself in a rather awkward and interesting position. No we are not talking about sex this time. But he is in the position to possibly change his life to further the gay agenda. There is currently a small ground swell starting and it is only going to get bigger. I just have one question what is it with the whole porn industry this year. It seems to be just getting more and more attention this year. With all the special proclamations, the murders and the news coverage, it is getting to be just a bit much for me to handle. Fox news is lambasting the industry and right wing political pundits are using gay slurs. This is the 21st century I really wonder what the world is coming to. We as gay people are being used to further the hate agenda of the Republican Party. They have misrepresented our wishes for equal rights before and they are trying to do it again. This party is using fear tactics to control the mindset of the religious right. It appears that no one is willing to call them on it. This party has used the senseless deaths of the thousands of people who died in New York on September 11,2001 and the ones who have died in Iraq since then for their own personal gain. They have lied to us about weapons of mass destruction to attack Iraq. When we all know it’s the oil fields that they are really after, and they will not stop until they control them. And now they are looking towards Iran and saying that they pose a threat too us or is it really their current plans that are being threatened .The current Administration has set this country back 50 years with this mess that they have created. It appears that anytime we can shed some light on their lies we all should do just that.
This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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Do we really want the truth?

People ponder this could Bryan have known that Brent Corrigan was under aged? I think he knew this, he made a comment on tape that he would need to get 2 pieces of ID from Brent. I think Bryan used the legal system, the civil suite, the name trademark and the slanderous website to draw attention away from the fact that he did not use proper diligence in checking the ID’s of his models. We all know that in 2001 Bryan had a problem with an under-aged model in which he was charged with sexually assaulting a then 15-year-old boy twice in his home. The charges were later reduced to a charge of Corruption of a minor. See story here at I find it curious that he filled for bankruptcy shortly after that case which also was the same year that Kocis started Cobra Video, he filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 claiming liabilities of $222,800 in mostly credit card debt, according to bankruptcy records. See story here at
Brent at the time looked all of 15 years old and that fact should have truly raised a red flag to someone whom had just been through the ordeal that Bryan had been through. But this is purely conjecture on my part, I was not a party to what was actually shown as ID for Brent. I will say this I would have been very cautious about using someone who looked that young. Due to the circumstances of how Bryan was introduced to Brent I would have not gone there. There is also the question of the car that was purchased for Brent as stated is his contract it was for payment for scenes he was too shoot for Cobra Video. But there is no mention in any contract as to what were Brent’s scene rates. Someone stated in a blog that it could be payment for his silence on the age matter although this is pure speculation it is plausible.
There is a lot of questionable information out there on the subject of Brent Corrigan and we probably have read it. I believe that the real story here is not about Brent but about why Brent? Why all this fuss about a model that it has been said that he lied about his age, broke contracts, will not show proof of his age and started his own porn business. It all comes down to money, yes the all mighty dollar. Brent is a valuable commodity he has only done 8 or 9 films and most of them are not even available through normal channels.
Yet he is unmistakably a star. He has just what the buying public wants he’s a cute sexy twink with a large penis for his frame and he has a great web-site where you can get to “know” him. The main problem is that Bryan had him all tied up in this legal mess. And why do you ask? Bryan would be facing serious problems if it were confirmed that Brent Corrigan was underage when he filmed those early scenes for Cobra Video. He would have faced the real possibility of jail time or the loss of his business and more public scrutiny or both. Then why make a federal case of it all you ask? Well Bryan had to show that he knew nothing about Brent being underage and he had to get court proof of that fact. If you read the MOR document from the civil case paragraph 1 is a request for a certified copy of Brent Corrigans birth certificate. Also in this document in paragraph 4 is a disclaimer to be made by Brent Corrigan stating to the effect that Bryan was not aware of his underage status. This was a read flag for me, now the first time I saw Brent Corrigan my first thought was this is a child. I said to myself there is no way this kid is legal. So when I read paragraph 4 of the MOR my suspicions were confirmed. Now I am not defending the actions of Brent Corrigan because he was wrong to mislead everyone involved in this fiasco. But to his credit he did leave some clues to the impending collaboration between LSG Media and Cobra Video on his web site HarlowCuadra
The pictures, the web-site, his escort business and he being the person of interest in the subsequent murder case were quite interesting. How do all the pieces fit together? The fact that police could not identify him, that was done by people on the Internet who in a matter of hours knew not just who he was but what he does and who with and they had pictures of him and Brent together in Las Vegas.
We the people on the Internet through several blog’s shared information and theories to the how and why of the senseless murder of Bryan Kocis. We speculated and had a few arguments but our main focus was to bring justice to the killer(s). But in our attempt to find justice we found out a whole lot more. I really don’t think any of us were looking to destroy someone’s credibility but we did cause some serious questions to be asked of all parties involved. Some have been answered but most have not. The fact still stands that there was a brutal murder and no one has been charged with it and the reason why is still not clear either. We do see that life seems to be moving forward for Brent, which is good in my opinion. And Harlow we will just have to see what happens with him I think he’s about to get “Brented” a new term, cute huh, I like it, kinda like getting Lanced. Let’s hope Harlow has all his ducks in a row.
So I will just say to you all, Later from the land of mystery. It’s Elmysterio and I’m out.

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