brent Everett

Keith Oberman’s comment on MSNBC

I was going through my blog roll and popped over to Brent’s blog, no not that Brent the other Brent the one who just got married and his husband is celebrating a birthday, Scorpios rule. I read a moving post by him and saw a video by Keith Oberman of MSNBC which must of made anyone who supported the passage of proposition H8 feel like a total hypocrite. He laid it out there and made it perfectly clear that to deny anyone there rights is wrong. Not just in the eyes of those who were wronged but on so many other levels. I have said it all along that this really not about Marriage but the right to love and to have that love respected by the law of the land.

What he said totally moved me and inspired me to write this post and I think we should thank him and let him know that we really appreciate what he did for everyone, not just us. We can not let those who hate win this fight. Their hate will consume them and we should use love to win this fight. The reason we have a new President is because of the hate that George Bush represented. It is through the hate he fostered that has us in the sad financial situation we are currently in. It is George Bush’s hate that has the standing of America so low in the eyes of the rest of the world.

It was George Bush’s hate speak to us as Americans that made it possible for this amendment to pass. George Bush campaigned on this issue 4 years ago and his legacy will be that he divided this country. I for one will not sit here and let him do that. This is not a religious issue any more this is a issue that is more personal than that. This is a civil rights issue and just like we got the “Jim Crow laws” overturned we shall get this one overturned as well. The United States Constitution does not allow for this type of law to be passed. This will go to the United States Supreme Court and it will be overturned for the entire country. And all citizens will have the same rights. If they have to take marriage out of the Constitution and rewrite the laws it will happen.

This little act of selfishness will cause a backlash that those who voted for the ban will have never expected. Their very own marriages stand a good chance of being outlawed in favor for a more inclusive one. This country can not tolerate anymore segregation and discrimination especially in the eyes of God. God is love and God does not divide people. People do that themselves. To think that the word of some who claim that they have been spoken to by God and claim that they were told that it was OK to hate, is in my opinion blasphemy. They are using the name of God in vain. When you go to Church do you worship your Paster or do you worship your God?

I have personally been to far to many churches where the pastor stands at his pulpit and preaches hate in the name of God. My question to all of you who supported the passage of that hate bill is what are you scared of? All we want is the same right to love as you. Is it our love that scares you? You claim that we have an agenda. You seem to have the idea that we want to convert your children to be gay. Well the truth is you are the ones who are raising gay children. You are the ones who disown your gay child because they are gay. You are the ones who want to oppose your will on us yet you seem to think that we are the bad ones. You are so wrong on so many levels. You are just plain wrong!

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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Spin the lies and perpetuate the hate.

The HIV testing of the models in Bare back porn is not a guarantee that the models are negative. The test only checks for antibodies. HIV tests are not conclusive and have never been. They can only tell you that you have no antibodies at the time of the test or that you do. If you are tested several times and have not participated in any risky behavior between the tests then you can consider the results accurate.
The quick test will only show that at the time of the test that you have no antibodies or that you do.

HIV is on the rise in the gay community and it is really a sad thing to say but it is true. I have been around since the beginning of the pandemic and I can say from experience that it is not something that I want to go through again. Watching so many of my friends get sick and die was not anything that I would wish on anyone. After reading the article by out magazine Barring the truth
I thought that I would do annother post on the subject.

What I find truly troubling is that the porn producers are using these young models for they’re own financial gain. There are no protections in place for these models that participate in these practices. I will not claim that all producers of Bareback porn do not take precautions but you see these models are not in a vacuum.
They have lives out side of porn and whatever sexual practices they participate in when not on camera have a direct bearing on the results of those instant HIV tests. We are talking about sexually active individuals here.
You can bad mouth a model for doing bareback porn and that is your prerogative but you also have to take into consideration that they are working for producers. The producers would not be doing this if there were no demand for the product. The demand by consumers of the product is what is driving this practice in the porn industry. And so we have the vicious circle of who is at fault? So to single out a single model or a producer is not going to help the situation. What the real issue is why would someone want to watch two young men potentially risk their health and possibly they’re lives for your sexual gratification.

There is plenty of bareback porn out there from before we knew the risks involved. Just go do an Internet search and I’m sure you can find it. But here is the deal do a check on the models who were in those videos and you will be surprised to see that 75% of them are dead and they died before they turned 40 years old. Now that is sad but it is true.
I have personally known quite a few of the models and I miss them. They were fun and full of life and they are gone because we did not know any better. We do know better now but that still has not stopped the producers from producing this product. Maybe the warnings are not strong enough or the risks are not stressed enough. Another sad fact is that many of the modles who are participating in this type of filming are positive as well. Maybe there needs to be legislation enacted. No one can perform Bareback on film or video until they are 25 years old. That would slow down the producers of this product a bit.
The producers seem to be taking advantage of these young and naïve men. Most of use did not have a clue at eighteen and many people still don’t.
Intelligence does not equate experience and it is not exclusive of the other. The fact that you are not that experienced in life has nothing to do with the fact that someone is intelligent.

We look to our elders for guidance and if that person is only in this for himself or herself then you can be easily mislead.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.

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Hottie of the week

Hello my dear readers, now as you all may well know I have made my opinion known on the whole bareback issue, but hot is hot and we will just leave it at that. I can just hope that they are taking the proper precautions with the models. Eastern Europe is a hotbed for bareback porn and there are a few American companies who are trying to Cash in on that market as well. We have so few American Companies that are producing it and most of them are fighting scandal, Cobra Video, Boybatter and Helix studios to name a few. The Bigger companies are all against it and there is good reason for it and I must say I am in agreement with them. The risks are in my opinion just to high. But it seems that this is where the money is and in an industry that is still reeling from murders and other scandals. I thought that I would write about something else for a change. I’ve got someone for you to check out. His name is Dominik Trojan and he is a hottie. Do you like Brent Everett and Zack Randall? Well here is a combination of them both, he is hot and sexy and hung as well as versatile. He burst out on the scene in 2006 and at present he is working for Hammer Entertainment and can be seen in several titles.
I have checked him out and I can tell you for a fact that he is Hot. He’s is 6 feet tall with dark hair and blue green eyes and sexy full lips a cute little ass and he is packing a nice tool as well. He has been classified as a twink but he is in my opinion a little to tall for that category but we will let that slide. As you know I have been a little quiet on my blog lately as I have been doing allot of “research”. And through that research I have discovered Dominik. I have had to do allot of video watching and he was a stand out in my opinion.
I must say his scene in Bareback Beginners 16 was stellar and he was paired with the same model from Dripping Wet.
They have a natural chemistry together and he takes Mark Zebro’s 8 inch cock like there’s no tomorrow. There is a yahoo group dedicated to him with picture galleries and a brief bio and a list of his videos. So if you want to check him out you might want to go there. You do have to be a member but it is free.
I have watched at least 4 of his videos and I can say this I was not disappointed. So check him out and tell me what you think.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.

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