
Beyonce responds to Kanye west

After her embarrassing moment at the VMA’s which left her in total amazement and shock. Beyonce the queen of all media makes her first public statement about the rude behaviour of Kanye West towards Taylor Swift at the VMA’s. Always a lady Beyonce really lets loose on Kanye and goes all Sasha Fierce on his ass in this video Statement.

The President even chimed in on this utter display of stupidity by calling Kanye West a “jackass”. Now you know you did something stupid when the Commander and Chief puts his foot in your ass.

so I guess Kanye thinks he made a big splash. you know I remember a incident similar to this last February at another awards show where another big mouth blowhard took to the stage and did something similar to this but that’s another post.

Is it just me or is there a sudden out break of public stupidity affecting the country. with a crazy out burst during the Presidents speech on the floor of congress it really makes you wonder.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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Thats so gay

Well it looks like the Huffington Post and People magazine have linked Adam Lambert to a young man from the Big Easy. No I am not talking about Brent Corrigan so don’t go getting all ballistic. Oh and by the way Brent will be getting a new and improved blog real soon it is currently going through beta testing. I have seen his new blog and it is very nice so stay tuned for a post about that. Now back to our almost American Idol. The young mans name is Drake Labry. You can read about it on the MOC blog and there is a link to the story there as well. They have not called him gay but I think Adam has done a good job of letting the world now that himself in the video posted below. I also love how they try to make it appear that he is holding hands with Drake Labry in the picture.

They also have some other really fun stuff to read over there on MOC blog. Check out Varla Jean Merman’s salute to the 40 year anniversary of Stonewall. The other fun thing that I saw while reading the blog was Joe Jonas doing a bad imitation of Beyonce’s Single ladies but it was fun to watch cause he was so bad. I swear this is the most copied video I have ever seen.

I will say this that he will probably make most of his female fans jealous because he looks good in that black bodysuit. I personally got the joke but most of the “straight” guys who made all of the negative comments about the video all called him gay. This I find kind of funny because if you are a cute guy who the girls like and you sing or dance most of the simple minded little haters on You tube call you gay. It kind of makes you wonder what is going on in the heads of those little small minded freaks. Personally the gay community is not much better because they also think every guy who is cute is gay as well. So I guess everybody is just fucked up. I say get a grip and deal with it not everybody is gay and further more not everybody is straight either. I personally hate labels anyway.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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