Brent Corrigan Appearing in Houston

Gay Porn legand Brent Corrigan is returning to Houston for four nights. He will be at South Beach club on 24 November and a 1:30 AM show on 28 November. 25 and 26 November he will perform two shows at Meteor Showers as well as one show Saturday night 27 November.

Brent was at the Meteor for two nights August 2009. I took a few pics of him there at that time. The lighting effects can be dramatic and it is fun watching Brent dance in a shower.

I intend to make all but the last show at South Beach. I will be shooting for Brent, and The Gorgeous Boys Network if they care to use the images.

If you have never met Brent, you should come. He is a total charm and will be meeting and posing with fans.

See you there.


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2 Responses to “Brent Corrigan Appearing in Houston”

  1. Tweets that mention Altexas » Blog Archive » Brent Corrigan Appearing in Houston -- Says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by friskyfans friskyboy and Albert Texas, Albert Texas. Albert Texas said: New post on my personnal blog. Brent Corrigan coming to TX. [...]

  2. Isaac B. Sanchez Says:

    Hello Albert Texas. Both Alan and I will be making a one day trip to Houston to meet Brent, since he is the only one I have not met of the Fleshjack Boys. Of course, I am taking my camera with me as well. I will be taking photos for my blog, all the other sites I have, plus GorgeousGuys, as you mentioned if they can use them on one of their many sites.
    I believe we may be going up on Friday, spending the night and journey on back the next morning. Alan and I are looking forward to this as well as visiting with you. Isaac

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