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Is it an Industry or not?

August 20th, 2010 by aussieboy63

Stuck over here in Australia the time-bomb that has just exploded regarding Mason Wyler makes for very interesting reading and gave me quite a bit of food for thought.  I have been mulling over a topic since I first started blogging and then when I did the interview with Phillip Ashton he raised the same topic.  For those who did not read it he wondered:-

Q  Has there ever been a question that you would have liked an interviewer to ask and if so what is it?

A This is actually a good question… I dont think there is a question but you know what there is 1 question that would be very interesting and I dont think the answer would be a quick one it would be like a blog post. The question is “How do you feel about the dont ask dont tell and putting poz models with neg models, should the neg models have a right to know what the status of the other model is?” Pretty much it would be about testing and the dont ask dont tell policy there doing for porn now.

Now before people get all worried I am not going to get all emotional about this topic but rather throw in a starting point for this debate as I work it through my own thought processes.  It is now very much an emotive and highly charged topic due to recent events, but the reality is that this could and probably has before and will again.  The issue of bare-back sex is also not for this blog post, because I believe that people make their own choices in life and it is for them to reconcile.

The Gay Adult Entertainment Industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, not just porn.  In any other form of industry there are checks and balances which protect both employers and employees, and never forget for one moment that the models are employees.  They are no different from any other entertainment medium, except they have sex on camera.

Australia has its problems, however, it has a strong commitment to ensuring that employees are provided with a healthy and safe workplace, as I am sure occurs in most places in the developed world.  What I can never understand is how the models in this industry are basically put in situations where their ongoing health may be put at risk.

I always hear that it is the responsibility of the individuals, but come on, if you stand to lose money or more importantly lose your work are going to step forward.  I would consider that a very unlikely situation, so it must firmly rest with the employers.  Obviously you can’t control every little operation, but the big studios hire the big names and so it is they who generally set the standards for us. 

I have heard snippets in my time with little inuendos or things half said, so if a rank amateur on another continent hears stuff how the hell don’t the big boys on the block hear it.  The reality of it is exactly what Phillip said: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  Now working with highly charged young men all following the dream would not be easy work, but these studios are in the business of making money out of them and have a moral obligation to provide a safe workplace.

It is like anything if someone gets away with something then others follow.  It is human nature.  The concern I have with the debate is that how can studios potentially expose their models to risks and then if something happens then wipe their hands clean.  Sorry from a country that believes that everyone should get a fair go, that is well short of acceptable.

I have got to talk to some great young guys who love working in the industry and I would be devastated if one of them in their younger years was confronted with a life-changing or shortening illness. 

I am a nobody except for the fact that I do enjoy watching these adonises perform and every so often chat to them.  But I am a consumer and sooner or later consumers will rightly start making financial decisions based on whether they believe that the companies are doing the right things.  We are doing it more and more in life and no-one should assume that we are just mindless sex-addicts who will stand by and watch people’s lives.

There is a saying buyer beware, but in this case I think it should be and eventually will be seller beware.

I hope my ramblings have not bored you and I will add to this debate as I get more answers to the questions that I have.  But for the moment….this will do


Posted in Not Happy Jan | | | 1 Comments

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  1.    Michael said,

    on August 20th, 2010 at 11:31 pm   

    When you post something like “time bomb” please give background. Some of your readers are not as clued in to what you’re talking about. I figure that Wyler is poz, but I’m not sure what else is going on or really who Wyler is exactly.


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