Redeemer (Davis) Cemetery Part 1

This is a historic black cemetery that is privately owned by a direct descendant of the Rev. Davis I met as a child. I grew up near this cemetery in Houston and had the opportunity to revisit it last year. Pictures from that visit will be in a later post. The earliest photos I can find on-line of this cemetery are from the historian George E. Wolf Jr.

Mr Wolf documented as many small cemeteries as he could in the Harris County/Houston Texas area. His main post can be found here.

The specific post on the Redeemer (Davis) Cemetery is here.

I have taken the liberty of lifting his photos which predate the current 10 ft chain link fence that surrounds this cemetery. I also did a little photo editing on his pics. I need the practice.

This place and area of Houston were my home for 10 of my early years. More next time.


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