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A Perfect Host: 10 Years of Great Atlantic Media Group

July 24th, 2010 by aussieboy63

What person doesn’t love or use the internet every day?  Our daily lives are intertwined with the world that the internet brings us.  Do you ever for a slight moment wonder how we get to enjoy the world on our doorstep?  Simple.  It is because of people like Mark Wilson and his Great Atlantic Media Group.  Great Atlantic Media Group started with their first website,, and has grown to include an additional 12 websites or their own and hosting 67 websites for other clients.

            The man who started this is Mark Wilson and this is what he had to say about himself:-

I’m a native of Charlotte, North Carolina now residing in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a B.S. in Political Science from East Carolina University. During college and 6 years following I worked with the Scott & Fetzer Company as a Dealer Power Specialist.  Prior to starting Great Atlantic Media Group in I worked for Brent-Wyatt East Publishing Company for a number of years where I rose in rank from media sales representative to Director of Advertising Sales for the southeastern United States regional marketing area.

This astute man then realized that the market was going online and a business needed to position itself in that media to continue.  As he says: “Just take a look around and you will see where sales and the publishing industry has migrated to.”

            Of course simply starting up a company like this does not guarantee its success, and again Mark’s marketing background shone through.  Many of the group’s initial customers still remain loyal to the network and in fact these initial customers helped guide him in his endeavour. He remains committed to receiving and acting on feedback.

            Time flies as you are having fun, and Mark is amazed at how quickly time has passed since that first day, and his “to-do list” is still incomplete.  His two cats, coffee, Marlboro cigarettes and making people smile are the things that give him the most pleasure.  An extension of this thinking saw him start up the Gorgeous Boys Blog Network which allows people to have a blog of their own without the worry of censorship.  This is only one of his aims for 2010.

            His plans for the rest of 2010 are “To surprise my readers, present them with stories and presentations they have not seen anywhere else and unlikely to see in the future.”  Sounds exciting doesn’t it?  I have always found Mark to be tremendously supportive and encouraging in my initial forays into blogging, and encourage people out there to check if you are thinking about blogging.

            As I say Happy Birthday to Mark and his network I will let him sign off:-

“I like to believe that each and every edition of our family of websites is convincing evidence that eye popping layouts, superb color photography, and solid virtual architecture will always lure an audience in.

I’m very pleased that on Saturday, July 24, 2010 celebrates 10 years of being online. Great Atlantic Media Group was created 4 days before that date by corporate resolution to service the business aspect of the brand.

The site began with the photography that was generated by recruiting male erotic dancers at a local male stripper bar located in Charlotte, North Carolina. By the early Summer of 1998 we had over 50 models. Our first debut online appeared in the gay web community of America Online. After having much success with AOL this lead me into securing a domain name to call our own on July 24, 2000.”

Happy Birthday to the Great Atlantic Media Group and the Gorgeous Boys Online Entertainment Network and I hope there are many more to come


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  1.    DeWayne said,

    on July 24th, 2010 at 4:58 pm   

    Good Interview Bill I am proud to have gotten to know and be associated with Mark Wilson and the Gorgeous boys network.

    Great Atlantic Media is indeed the Perfect Host!

    A super man, web miracle worker and very good friend!


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