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Cover Versions

July 23rd, 2010 by aussieboy63

Don’t worry I will still do an album review, but given my age and the volume of music that I have both enjoyed and endured I thought I would look at some cover versions that artists have done that I liked.  God Help Me if I tried to do one on bad cover versions….I would run out of space.

Ok in no particular order or favoritism here are some of the covers that I like and include the Youtube URLs

“He’s Gonna Step on You Again”  It was first released by Johnny Kongos in 1971, but in 1987 the Party Boys re-released it.  The party boys was a band made up of great artists from Australia and New Zealand as well as Status Quo bass player Alan Lancaster.  It has got a great beat and has double drums… Rock on

“Daddy Cool” was released by Boney M in 1976 (Boney M for those who didn’t know rose during the disco era and had beautiful women singing and this super-cool dude singing in a deep voice) and was a great song.  By chance I stumbled on the Placebo version which was released in 2003 after looking for another  cover that I will discuss further on.  Placebo had added a complete album of cover versions on their Sleeping With Ghosts release.  It is really different from the original and the drum beat and guitars is classic Placebo

On the very same album is “Running Up That Hill” which for those who aren’t aware was originally released by Kate Bush in 1985 and had this great beat in the background blazing away with haunting keyboards and of course Kate Bush’s great voice.  It was a huge hit, but what I liked about the Placebo version is that they ramped it down and made it into a haunting balad.  For those of you who like Bones it was on one of their episodes, and that is the reason i looked for it.  I heard this great tune and eventually found it.

Something a bit harder now.  Depeche Mode was one of those Techno Bands in the 1980s that was pretty popular having some successful hits including “Personal Jesus.”  In 2004 Marilyn Manson released it and did what he normally does with songs, gave it a alot grunt.  His version is just great, but not if you are driving.  Very easy to get into the beat and forget the speedo.  I know Manson is not everyone’s cup of tea, but he really does have a unique ability to turn poppy songs into really great rock tunes.

My final song in this discussion is a very depressing and sad one I am sorry, but it is “Hurt” by Johnny Cash.  Hurt was first released in 1994 by Nine Inch Nails, but never became a single.  In 2003 a seriously ill Cash released it but was to die sadly within 5 months of its release.  Watch the film clip (with tissues) and watch one of the most soulful and sad renditions of a song.  It really is identified as Cash’s epitaph and Trent Reznor himself was blown away with the film clip.

Anyway enjoy and as my memory kicks in as I enjoy Youtube I will give you more


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