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An Interview With Ashton Michaels

July 13th, 2010 by aussieboy63

Q Tell me  about yourself

A My name is Ashton Michaels and I am an adult performer currently filming with Helix Studios. I am 18 and I’m not the typical model. Usually when people think of a twink (especially one in porn) they think ‘pretty but dumb’. I may be pretty but I am definitely not dumb. Lol. I have goals for myself and hopes for the future, which is more than I can say for some other models that think they can spend their entire lives as a porn model.

Q How did the name Ashton Michaels come about?

A Well I originally wanted my porn name to be “Michael Mallory” because of a teacher at my school named Mr. Mallory. He was pretty hot. Lol. On the set of my second scene I met Tommy Anders and we talked a bit and he asked what my porn name was, I said “Michael Mallory” and I could just tell by the look on his face that he didn’t like it very much. I decided at that moment I was changing it. I wanted to keep “Michael” in it because they said my name in a few scenes and I chose “Ashton” from “Ashton Moore” because she is pretty hot. Lol.

Q Everyone gets asked about why they started doing porn, and they all say just something that always wanted to do.  But what was the moment that you even considered looking into doing it.

A I think I’ve always been a sexual person, but I hadn’t considered porn until 9th grade. My friend showed me a picture of her sister, it was porn star Jenna Presley.  I was like WOW! She is gorgeous. I thought to myself ‘If she could make money by showing off her body and being beautiful, why can’t I?’ Since then, porn has always been in the back of my mind as a career option.

Q  Being signed as an exclusive for Helix was something special.  Is there a point where Helix lose that exclusivity and you can perform for other studios

A My exclusivity was more of a verbal contract. I work when I want and every couple of scenes we will see where I stand and determine if I’m filming more or less or even staying with Helix Studios.

Q    Did you come to Helix as an exclusive or did that occur later?

A   I was offered to be an exclusive numerous times after filming my first few scenes. I politely declined a contract because I didn’t want to be restricted in my work, so Keith Miller and I had more of a verbal contract about my exclusivity.

Q What were you thinking when you went into do that first hard-core scene

A I wasn’t completely nervous, only a little bit. Especially since my first scene was going to be with Michael Lee and I heard about how he was straight and had a huge cock. Lol. It was a very nice environment. Nick Angels was the camera guy and he kept Michael Lee and I both laughing and Michael Lee turned out to be very nice and extremely professional. It was an enjoyable first time. ;-)

Q It is almost a year since making your debut, how much do you think that you have changed from the person who did that first scene?  And in what ways?

A I was barely 18 when I first filmed. I was still a little boy in my mind and in my heart. I thought “Move over Tommy Anders because I am here and am going to take over!” Now I am a bit more grounded. I came into porn thinking it was easy and as soon as I made money I spent it on silly things. I think I’m a lot more mature now; I made friends, had some great times on set and have also had my bad times too. Overall I think I’m better as a person now. J

Q What do you like the most about yourself?

A I like that I’m a normal, real, down to earth guy. I’m not cocky, I don’t think I’m god’s gift to the world, I’m just a regular guy that has sex on film. It’s not that easy to find real people in this industry.

Q If someone was to take you out to dinner, what would be your perfect night?

A You don’t have to spend a lot of money to impress me. My favorite places to be taken out to dinner are Red Lobster and Olive Garden.

Q What is a good day for you?

A  Whenever I accomplish something I think it’s a good day. If I ace a test, increase my swimming time, finish a homework assignment. Lol. It might sound nerdy but I like to be optimistic in life. J

Q  Away from performing you have been busy on Youtube.  Is that a deliberate approach by you to let your fans see the man behind the performer?

A My YouTube videos started out as a joke but then I became a little popular on there and I started rapping and answering questions and I guess people liked it.

 Q You seem to have been a very aggressive self marketer.  Is that a deliberate thing on your part? Why?

A “Ashton Michaels” is my character so why not help promote myself.  

Q When you are not at Helix and Ashton Michaels, what do you do with the other part of your life?

A I go to school. I’m looking for a separate part-time job so I can get the whole normal college student experience. I don’t live with my parents anymore and I don’t want to rely solely on porn. I’m just a normal teenager. I hang out with friends, go shopping, and love going to the movie theatres.

Q  How long would you like to stay in the industry?

A I’ll stay in it however long I’m wanted. I plan to do stuff outside of porn but if people want to see me get fucked, then I’ll keep doing it. Lol.

Q  You disappeared for a while from the scene after the big fanfare but appeared to come back to the industry with a stronger and more determined approach.  Would you agree and why?

A Yes, I would agree. When people think of someone going through a crazy moment in their life they think of “Pulling a Britney” but at within the Helix community it’s know as “Pulling a Tommy Anders” (no disrespect towards him). That is what I did. I told everyone I quit porn, I shaved my head, I went into seclusion. I went crazy for a while. Lol. All of the stress and pressure of being the newest hottest thing got to me and my personal wasn’t very perfect either.

Q   How important is securing that other career outside of the industry?

A  I think it’s very important in general to have a good career, but it’s also very important to me as an individual. Beauty fades and I want to be remembered in life as more than just a pretty face.

Q   Do you worry that eventually will have to make a choice in careers or that working in porn will damage your other career prospects

A  I don’t worry about it too much. You can’t always worry about consequences in my opinion.

Q   While I know you have a lot of fans and more people recognise you, do you ever get lonely?

A  I get plenty of attention from men but sometimes I do get lonely. I always wonder if guys are interested in me for my work, for my looks, or for my personality. Sometimes I wish I could just find ‘Mr. Right’ get married and live happily ever after in my dream house. 

Q  Are you a naturally romantic person?

A Romantic? I don’t know. I’m naturally cute and sexual, but when it comes to romance, I don’t usually try to do anything special. When I’m with a guy I like everything just comes out naturally; the cuddling, the holding, the kissing. Romance shouldn’t be forced.


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  1.    Mark said,

    on July 13th, 2010 at 9:42 pm   

    Great interview!

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