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Years of Hard Work to Make An Overnight Success

July 12th, 2010 by aussieboy63


             As I talk to the many young hopefuls looking to make their way in the Gay Adult Entertainment World they talk about their plans and dreams in the industry.  The reality is that most will simply disappear, either by choice or design, once they hit that magical 22.  I won’t rant about the sheer idiocy of this magic number at this point.  Very few that want to carve out a significant career in the industry actually achieve their dreams.  What is it that separates these from those that fall by the way-side.  In some cases it is a matter of luck and having a particular look that keeps them relevant, but for most it is simply a result of sheer hard work.

                When I was considering doing this article I could only of course think of one man, Brent Everett, who has truly made 2010 his year.   He was named as a CR1 Exclusive and then followed up with being named as one of the Fleshjack men (highest vote getter by the way) and had his site won the 2010 Cybersocket Award for Best Amateur Webcam.

                I wanted to know more about this phenomenon that is Brent Everett and found that whilst there have been numerous interviews with him that I could not get a complete picture.  Using the various interviews over the past seven years I have attempted to compile a worthy record and tribute of one of the great guys of the industry.

                The basis for this story is the quote by Diana Rankin:-

“Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be.  It takes twenty years of hard work to become an overnight success.”

The juggernaut that has become Brent Everett has not happened by chance but the direct result of a committed and talented performer backing himself in a cut-throat industry.  The only piece of chance was the way in which he actually entered the industry, tagging along with then boyfriend Chase McKenzie.  They were offered some money to do a scene together and the journey had started.

                Brent quickly established himself as a star in the making and became the pin-up boy for studios such as and Tippo Sesso, Electro Video and Cobra.  The difference between Brent and others appears to be this enormous self belief that he possessed.  While many models yearn for the security that becoming a studio exclusive would give, Brent remained a free agent and was confident enough to remain so, and this still at a very young age.  As Brent said himself:-

“I didn’t just want to make big companies all the money.  I wanted to make it myself for myself”

                At the ripe old age of 21 Brent again backed himself by taking himself out of studio work while he was one of the smoking hot guys in the industry to build his own website.  It was a bold step to take while he was at the top of his game, but as we see five years later, it was a great decision. Like most new initiatives he had more than his fair share of teething problems but we now enjoy the fruits of that work. He also established the Triple X Studios, his own distribution company where he both performed and directed movies.  How was he able to do this?  The answer is simple because he was, and still remains, a thorough professional.  He built and maintained good working relationships with the big companies and was clear that he wanted to continue to work with them.

                Returning to the mainstream studio work he was snapped up by Falcon and Channel 1 Releasing and continued to build his reputation as one of the industry’s premier performers.  In between juggling a booming studio career and making his own website extremely popular, he also met the love of his life Steve Pena.  They have become a dominant partnership in the Gay Adult Entertainment Industry and their union has seen the Brent Everett brand explode in popularity.  The end result is all of the success of 2010, so to get back to the original comment, Brent has become one of the most bankable identities after sheer hard work.  His personal drive and self belief, coupled with the drive and acumen of Pena have truly made his brand a million dollar business.

                What are Brent’s plans for 2010?  As you would expect from this dynamo, plenty!  He and Steve have just moved into their new home and have an expanded studio space.  They have new models lined up and a new line of movies with them that will be coming out soon.  The recently revamped is undergoing another redesign in the coming weeks and will, they hope, give people a better feel and look as they navigate through it.

                Performance wise, of course the new movies from C1R, Chi Chi LaRue titled Fu*k U and Little Big League 4 will be coming out really soon.  He is also shooting another movie this week in LA, partnering Mitchell Rock in one sizzling hot scene.

                As Brent is the star of this article I will let him finish with his own words, and as you will see even those show why he remains one of the stars and most respected men in his industry:-

“I Just want to thank all my fans.  Seriously.  Without them none of this would ever be possible.  I want to say special thanks to Steve, George, and my parents.  Love you all!


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12 Responses to ' Years of Hard Work to Make An Overnight Success '

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  1.    David said,

    on July 13th, 2010 at 4:55 am   

    Very well written article. I have to agree with everything that was said. I will also add, that, even though I have only met Brent once {so far}, he was very sweet, humble, modest, SHY, very real and more than professional. When I get asked how does one make it into this industry, I always tell them to look at what Brent Everett has done. He has the whole package. Career, home, his own company, his family and most importantly, he has Steve Pena, his Husband. With their hard work, I can see Brent going very far still in this industry. We have not seen the last of Brent Everett. The BEST is STILL YET TO COME!!!
    It is my pleasure and honor to know Brent and Steve and I look forward to building a new relationship with them once I make the move back to San Diego!!!! Keep up the Good Work!!!!

  2.    Adam S. said,

    on July 13th, 2010 at 1:11 pm   

    Brent is an absolute sweetheart. I’ve never met him in person, unfortunately, but the way he interacts with fans on his website and on his twitter show that he is truly a one of a kind guy whose success hasn’t gone to his head. A true gentleman.

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    on July 17th, 2010 at 7:17 pm   

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