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What’s Love Got To Do With It

June 21st, 2010 by aussieboy63

As you know I love just sitting on Twitter and just observing as I continue to figure out where I sit in life and where my next steps will be.  Of late, maybe because things are becoming clearer in my own mind, I have noticed an interesting theme in many of the tweets which I thought I would discuss.

Yeah I know this a man in his forties talking, but I think it applies to most ages.  I watch sometimes enviously at the many young fellas that I either follow or talk to who are living a vibrant and care-free life.  They go out and party and hook up and life is generally one great big party, but of late a random tweet or sometimes a flood of tweets makes me think that maybe they are not so lucky.  These young and beautiful men are more and more starting to yearn for a little bit more in life.

There is nothing that can truly match that feeling you have for one person and the trust that is associated with being a couple.  The key word here is trust, because commitment is absolute, not convenient.  Until more people make that distinction there will be wandering souls looking for that elusive thing we call love.  I have read with interest and at times amusement the big push for gay marriage.  To me we simply should be talking about marriage, the legal union of two people who want to commit to each other for life.  Two people I talked to when I first started Twittering hammered me about this and how they thought it should apply to all, and then both proved themselves unworthy and cheated.  Funny isn’t it. Marriage is a commitment no matter what the mix of the couple.

Mabye because I cannot see myself being a part of that fast-lane lifestyle that I make these comments, but really I found some of the most cherished moments to be a snuggle or cuddle, as much as sex.  I reckon if you looked at yourself in the mirror and were truly honest with yourself, wouldn’t you prefer to know you could go home to someone and just enjoy being special.  I would challenge anyone whose answer is no.  However, for all of that to happen there needs to be a realization that relationships are built on trust.  Many of the young people I know in my straight life figured that out, and I hope the same happens with my gay friends.  There is truly nothing better then having someone special.  I will finish with two verses from Tina Turner, because I find that quite often song lyrics capture things in fewer words:-

Oh whats love got to do, got to do with it
What’s love but a second hand emotion

What’s love got to do, got to do with it
What’s love but a sweet old fashioned notion


Posted in Random Thoughts | | | 1 Comments

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  1.    Nathan Rodriguez said,

    on July 5th, 2010 at 2:29 am   

    Tina Turner will always be a legend in music history.~~,

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