Archive for May, 2007

Damon Kruezer: The real story and why he does not want you to know it.

Update:6/4/07 Damon tells more lies. Here is a correction on a Damon Lie. Harlow and Joe are in jail and are not in the regular section they are part of a segregated population. As with anyone in jail it is not a easy thing to deal with. Damon is not in contact with Joe and Harlow and he is lying about it. Update:
Damon’s lies confirmed. He did not know Bryan Kocis at all and he could not even tell who he was in a picture.
Hey Damon Can you find Bryan?

Hey Damon I guess since you and Bryan were such good friends than how did you confuse his picture with Grant Roy when they really look nothing alike. I guess my blog is now public domain because that is where you stole the picture from. You are a idiot this picture is Bryan Kocis—————————–>>>
Damon is not editing any Blacks Beach footage unless the police gave it to him which I found truly doubtful. As for as Joe and Harlow allowing him to edit anything he is lying about that as well. They did their own editing.

Damon can’t even edit his own web page how could he edit a video.

Damon hears the voices and tells more lies

Damon wishes Brent Corrigan was losing his twink looks and suicidal because Damon is a jealous troll sitting under a bridge waiting for some crumbs and no one likes him.

DK’s PREDICTIONS and updates: with a stunning revelation There is good reason to believe that key evidence was deliberately planted in an elaborate sting operation with all-too-obvious “fall guys” lured into a trap devised by others. Bryan Kocis was deliberately drugged and restrained to make him a victim who could offer no resistance, most likely by who I believe was the 3rd person in the house the night of the murder. I predict that the TOD and how it was putatively established using questionable criteria will be a key issue at trial /

do tell Damon were you there and you witnessed this or are you making this up? more blatant lies and we believe Damon because he always tells the truth. NOT

DAMON KRUEZER…a nightmare to all. but always just beyond the veil of shadows lurking on the Internet, often targeted and always compromised…the voice of the nutty people.

update: 6/3/07 Damon missed his meds and he is hearing voices again. Lets hope his mommy give him his pill. Predicting the future again how interesting do you know when you are going to jail?
Letters to Joe and Harlow in jail. Did not happen they can not recieve corrospondence. I know because I asked the Jail. Damon who is sennding you letters?
Hey Damon you Idiot Sean and Grant were out of town this weekend. which one of you spys saw then in a Texas grocery store?
News update: Damon Kruezer is a liar more updates to follow.

Kruezer at night’s alexa rating slips. Only 0.000001% of the Internet viewers are looking at his web-site. A Very small percentage of the Internet viewing population. He is now using desperate measures to raise his saging ratings and he has raised the bar on lying and deception. What is next Damon public hangings?

6/2/07 I decided to use his name in this post so if you do a Internet search for him he will come up and you can see what a brilliant liar he really is.

Damon’s page has such great style I thought I would copy it. do you kruezer fans approve?

If it’s purple it’s a link. click it for fun.

I really like all the pretty colors don’t you.


Did Harlow send you the infamous beach video footage? I think not, some may say that Harlow is crazy but not that crazy. Also Demon when did you do the interview with Harlow. you keep changing the date. I have confirmation from Joe that it was on the 15th of May. but you say it was on several different days, which is it?.

Funny how this was posted on Friday and Demon came up with it on Saturday. Demon the police are reading my blog as well as the news media. Are they reading yours Mr, Luezer? The only industry that you are a insider in is plagiarist union. Your lies and slander are soon coming to an end.

This is the email that he received from from Bryan foretelling the future. It’s funny how this email explains all his lies away.

Well Miss Cleo Bryan was not for obvious reasons.

But he does confirm Demons lies all about Windows Vista and and confirms all of the other lies Demon has told.

Funny that Mr luezer found this April 2006 email conveniently to support his blatant lies.

Demon has new fake documents he is posting to back up his claims.
what is so funny is that the Boybatter email address is [email protected] . Here is the problem with the items that Demon is claiming are real. The address does not exist. Click on Harlow’s name and see what happens when you send a email to that address. Ever here of email bounce back?
Harlow and Joe used different addresses. That evidence is in the affidavit.

Do we want to trust this liar? your choice.

Here is a link to proof of the new custodian of records for Cobra Video. and here is a link to the location.
Damon you will be pleased to know that Elmysterio has been in contact with a certain gay publication that is way out. And has spoken to a certain writer whose initials are MG about a certain cyberstalker and will talk more in detail in the upcoming article.

Breaking news: Elmysterio has spoken to a certain new reporter about a certain Cyberstalker.hey P in VA keep it on the down low we don’t want Damon to know.

Demon Luezer is a prevaricator and he wants you to think other wise. I have ignored him for the most part but now he has just gone to far. There are peoples lives at stake here and he is telling lies to anyone who will listen. The man has a serious problem and I just want to make sure that he is not seen as a credible source of information by the authorities. He has been telling his untruths for several years and he has delusions of grandeur. He thinks he is a journalist but in fact he is just an Internet hack who feeds on cheap gossip that he steals from other web-sites and claims the info is his own research. He has lied on several occasions and I am just the latest victim of his vengeful venom. He has tried to assume the identity of college professor Kent Barklay more than once. He has an issue with me because I will not sit idly by and let him spread his lies. He is now telling lies about a dead man who can not defend himself. I find it fascinating that he claims that he was showing Bryan Kocis how to use the new “Windows Vista” operating system. But the fact is that “Windows Vista” was not released until January 30th 2007 which is after Bryan Kocis was killed on the 24th of January 2007. He also has made claims that he was in the will of Bryan Kocis, which is another out and out lie. I have a copy of said will and he is not mentioned in it. Could he be directly involved in the murder? Your guess is as good as mine being that he is constantly trying to divert attention from the facts of the case.
His latest claim to fame is that he interviewed Harlow Caudra and this is also suspect as I had a conversation with Joe and Harlow and they asked me who he was. I have the email from May 3rd 2007 to prove it. He also lied to them and said that he worked for MTV and was doing a piece on Bryan Kocis.
They did not call Damon, he called them on the 15th of May. He has been posting on my blog under several aliases and I have the posts to prove it. He has been trying to get several other bloggers and me to link to his site but we all refused to. It is because of this that he posted his social security number on my blog to put me in direct violation of Google Policy. He wanted to get my blog deleted because I was higher in the Alexa ratings than he was. Just so you know the lower the number the better. I responded with re-posting his social security number and attaching his IP address to let him know that I knew it was him who posted it. So he went to a fellow blogger to relay his displeasure with that post. Here is his comment.

BB said
I just got an email from Damon Kruezer, most of it I will share:

snip… “I am very angry about El Mysterio and Julien’s attempt to intimidate and harass me by allowing posting of what they claim is my personal, private information on each of their blogs.
This a clear violation of Terms of Service…and it’s also a dirty, underhanded tactic I won’t tolerate.
I have researched El Mysterio and discovered who he really is.
If my so-called private information is not immediately removed, or if slander is allowed such as calling me “psychotic” which is hate speech, there will be consequences.
Interesting how people who hide their own identity and accuse me of things without even bothering to contact me directly allow such dirty pool on their own Blogs, isn’t it?
I’m angry now and this is going to stop. When people create blogs they are by definition open to public comment without censorship based on personal bias. If they want their own little “club” then they need to get their own website and create a mailing list for readers who opt in, just as I have.
I will appreciate your making my feelings known to the appropriate people. You may quote me or forward this email if you wish. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


** Damon Kruezer **”
May 28, 2007 9:01 PM

Demon Luezer is not the most balanced person on the planet and he is spreading his insanity all across the Internet and his lies are going to make it impossible for Joe and Harlow to get a fair trail. He has spoken to the press and now he thinks he is a credible source of information. I find it quite telling that what he has accused me of doing is what he has done all along by publishing the private information of people who he takes it upon himself to publicly crucify. He is a petty jealous vindictive man with no apparent life out side of his fantasy world. He claims to be in West Hollywood but in all actuality he is in Massachusetts and he is most likely still living with his elderly mother. His lies and false statements actually got his mother evicted from her home. It is really sad that I had to make this post but he left me no option but to tell the truth in an attempt to dispel all his vicious lies and rumors. Here is a sample of some of the comments that he left on my blog.

Yves Mignon has left a new comment on your post “You have questions? Well I have some answers.”:

I’m reading this blog with interest as to the possible involvement of Grant Roy/Sean Lockhart in the Kocis murder. But all of the anti-DK comments are a turn-off, especially the hate-filled rants of Kevin Clarke who admittedly has never spoken to or met DK. DK made the evening news on account of his Harlow interview immediately before the arrest. That’s a fact. Watch the news report. Listen to DK speak. You may call him crazy. You may call him a liar. He’s been called every name in the book by jealous rivals and their sycophants. But he is the one who interviewed Harlow, who had communicated with all of the players in this drama and who continues to provide new information on this case. It seems more than coincidence that the arrest was made right after DK’s interview with Harlow.

Posted by Yves Mignon to Rants From a Mysterious Place at May 27, 2007 6:01 PM Top of Form 1

Dark Lord of P*rn has left a new comment on your post “Murder In Pornland or How I got involved in this m…”:

My oh my, gay men busily trying to trash each other on a Blog that didn’t exist until recently. But Damon K has been around for years and now obviously has a network of friends, allies and sources. Those who resort to personal attacks instead of dealing with the issues are especially very jealous and envious of him. Oh well, he’s got a bunch of reporters and editors on his side now, and as far as my partner and I can see, Harlow really liked him and wanted him to visit, and Damon K has the interview tape parts of which I’m sure he’ll use for fun and profit at the right time…while you jealous queens sit and spin and wish you were him. That had to be said cuz U know its true! By the way we hear the TV episode based on the script he sold will be aired in September, right around the time the Cuadra trial should begin, resulting in more interviews and offers for him. He’s on a roll!

Posted by Dark Lord of P*rn to Rants From a Mysterious Place at May 27, 2007 11:57 PM

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “Murder In Pornland or How I got involved in this m…”:

NOTICE TO AUtHOROTIES Demon Luezer = Kent. W. Barclay SS # – 018-42-xxxx

Posted by Anonymous to Rants From a Mysterious Place at May 27, 2007 9:50 PM

Rolling Eyes Bitchily has left a new comment on your post “Murder In Pornland or How I got involved in this m…”:

As for as Demon Luezer he is a hack and a liar and he will not be happy until he gets sued or gets someone killed. I don’t allow his name on my blog because it would just get him more traffic. So I am now deleting all his posts.

QUESTIONS: What, exactly, are his lies that you can prove? Have you ever bothered to email him or call him directly? I just don’t understand how you can have such an attitude without proving your case or even getting in touch with him. In any case I doubt if what you think matters since DK is now a major player in this drama whether you like it or not.

Posted by Rolling Eyes Bitchily to Rants From a Mysterious Place at May 27, 2007 9:31 PM

Here he is posing as Matthew Rush yet he accuses me of posting as other people. That is really sad if you ask me but then again consider who is leaving these Comments on my blog.

Matt R has left a new comment on your post “You have questions? Well I have some answers.”:

Hi Guys Mathew Rush here you all should not be jumpin all over Damon he just tells it like it is. Elm he is just doing the same job you are! Damon is a seeker of Truth! He has good contacts in the biz cause people talk to him then lie about it because Mr.Lawrence,Kevin Clarke and others can’t stand him. This is all petty jealousy & envy, for the damn fine reportin Damon has done.

Posted by Matt R to Rants From a Mysterious Place at May 27, 2007 6:26 PM

prof has left a new comment on your post “Murder In Pornland or How I got involved in this m…”:

Although it’s true that the individual version of Windows Vista went on sale on 1/30/07, this does not necessarily invalidate Demon Luezer’s claim to have assisted Bryan Kocis in using Vista. As I understand it, the corporate version had been released somewhat earler, and a beta version had been in use for many months before the retail release.

I’m not saying that Luezer has much credibility, but it’s best to use rock-solid arguments against him, and this thing about the release date of Windows Vista is not of that character.

Posted by prof to Rants From a Mysterious Place at May 29, 2007 3:20 PM

I recieved an email from the professor and he states that he is not Damon Kruzer and is not involved with him.

As you can see he is not a well person and he needs serious help. I hope that the media does not take his lies seriously as they can cause serious damage to their journalistic credibility. He is a prevaricator of the highest magnitude and he must be stopped.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.

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Murder In Pornland or How I got involved in this mess

This is from an email one of my posters sent me and he wanted to ask me some more questions. He posts under the name Voch and I thought the questions would give some of my readers a little more insight as to where I’m coming from with this blog. He is also the reader who posed the questions for my last post. So if you have questions just ask me and I will answer them as best that I can.

Thought I’d write a non-Cobra/non-Sean entry, but the questions I have for you sort of revolve around this mess.
But before I get into that, tell me about yourself –
Where in the US are you?

I currently live in California in the Bay area near San Francisco. And just for every ones information I have never been involved in the porn industry other than being friends with people who were. There have been offers but I chose not to do it because of family and cause I was a little skerd.

How old are you? If you don’t want to answer that one, no worries.

At the present time I am 48 years old, but I look Fabulous. I still have the body of someone in there 20’s and all my friends hate me for it cause I can eat anything I want and I never gain weight. I guess I’m just a lucky bitch, at least that’s what my friends say.

What got you into blogging?

Well a friend had a blog and I liked it and I also read Brent’s blog and Jason Curious and Jared Christopher’s blog Completely Naked. They inspired me so when this whole murder case broke I started posting on several blogs but I could not correct my mistakes so I signed up with Google Blogger so I could correct errors and typos. The next thing I knew I had a blog. Kind of a funny way to start one but that is how it happened.

How did you get involved in the whole Cobra/Sean affair?

I started reading Sean’s Blog because of a post that Jared Christopher did. I was doing some research on the Justin Berry story, which I had just seen on Oprah and put in a search for under age porn stars. And came up with Brent Corrigan who at the time I had never heard of let alone Cobra video. Twink porn has never really been my thing. So I continued to search on Brent Corrigan and came up with Jared Christopher’s Completely Naked page. From his page there was one of the links to Brent Corrigan online and the LA Pride parade and the Sassy Prom. So I read his post and I thought Brent /Sean looked like Justin Berry and then I found Sean’s blog and did more research and found out about Bryan and so on and so fourth.

What piqued your interest enough to start blogging about it?

There were so many inaccuracies in the posts and the comments that I thought needed clearing up and that everyone was bashing Sean. And it was just getting out of hand so I started “Rants From A Mysterious Place”. Hence the name “Elmysterio”. I could remain anonymous and say what I wanted with out it coming back to bite me in the ass. Well it kinda worked. People are still biting me in the ass but I can hide from them.

A friend of mine named Aloe (who posts on JUB and ATKOL every so often), told me about your blog (and I’m glad he did). Cad and I have been in contact for many months (we started exchanging PMs on the JG board) and he also told me about your blog, so that is how I got to your site.

Cad was posting on Juicy goo as well as just us boys and I read his posts on both sites and I have made posts on “Just us boys as well”. I read the Juicygoo forum and the Cobra killer blog as well as other blogs that had connections with the story and I found it interesting but I never thought it would come to this. “A Murder in Pornland” was just a bit surreal for me. I never thought my little opinion piece would come to this. The funny thing is I just did a yahoo search on the name Elmysterio and it is all over the place, which is just a bit scary. There are allot Elmysterio’s out there and they are not all me. I never thought that this would happen, you know I did several posts and no one responded. So I thought no one was reading my blog then I got a response and I thought cool a least someone is reading it. Then it just kind of blew up and I just totally taken off guard by it. Now it is just kind of cool to know that I have readers out there and we can debate the issues. It really lets you know just how small the world has gotten in the last few years.

It’s nice to see that someone who doesn’t have an agenda – (I wouldn’t put you in either Sean or Bryan’s camp) – has the ability to blog about what they feel is going on (most of what you write I agree with), and allows those who have a different opinion or POV to post what they think or feel.

My agenda Is and was to always get to the truth. It may appear that I jumped from one side to the other during all of this but my belief was that there was so much talk about Sean’s real age that I felt that it was just a diversionary tactic. So I chose that and was determined to get it resolved. I also wanted to get to the bottom on the Joe and Harlow connection as well.
I also wanted to put out there the questions that needed to be answered. There were just so many lies being told and I wanted to debunk as many as possible so we could have a clear view as to what was really going on in all of this mess. Some posters and I on Jason’s blog started a time line of events that lead up to this and it has been updated on several occasions as new info comes out. (Thanks MJ for your help on the timeline and everybody else who was involved). The time line answers allot of the commonly asked questions that people have about what took place. The who, what, where and how they were involved. As for my contact with all of the players in this case with the exception of Bryan (he was dead when I started my blog) they all came to me with the exception of Grant I emailed him. There was just so much intrigue in this case. 3 different Companies all surrounding this one model. I just wanted to know what the big deal was.

Unfortunately, this attracts people like Grant Roy and Demon Luezer/Bent Karclay, but you can’t prevent these people from blogging. Such is the life of a blogger, I guess.

My opinion of Grant Roy is that he is an angry man full of hate. And anger and hate makes you do stupid things. As for as Demon Luezer he is a hack and a liar and he will not be happy until he gets sued or gets someone killed. I don’t allow his name on my blog because it would just get him more traffic. So I am now deleting all his posts.

I am impressed that you are so knowledgeable in regards to the whole situation, and that you and Julien have done some hardcore investigative reporting, particularly in regards to Sean’s real birthdate.

Well I have a bunch of very good sources who have told me things that they thought needed to be known and some of them had agendas but I could see where most of them were headed. Some things I posted and others I did not. I took allot of heat for some things I said and some just interpreted what I said wrongly. But I tried to stay on course as best that I could. As for Julien I respect him very much and we have not always agreed on the issues but he is very good at what he does.

Anyway, just a long email to say thanks for all your blogging and to keep fighting the good fight. Hopefully one day the truth about what really happened to Bryan will be accepted by everyone, so that he can finally rest in peace.

Voch you have been a great help with new info that needed to be put out there and allot of my readers appreciate it. I have on occasion been frustrated to the point of just shutting down my blog but people like you have made me keep on pushing to get to the truth. Thank you for your support and this has helped me realize why I am doing this. And to my readers I know this seems like a self serving piece but I thought that some of you might have an interest as to why I got involved in all of this.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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You have questions? Well I have some answers.

I received an email from one of my readers and we were trying to put some things together in regards to the events that transpired before and after the death of Bryan Kocis. Just to clear a few things up there is an associate who received the pictures of Danny Moilin/Harlow Cuadra; it was Aaron Phelps/Robert Wagner. he recieved an email from Bryan on the 22nd of January containing photos of Danny Moilin. Now this is what I find interesting. Did Aaron meet or see Harlow in Las Vegas? If so did he tell Bryan the truth about whom it was he was seeing on the evening that he was killed. “From what Harlow said in the San Diego beach tapes he intimated that he thought Bryan knew Danny Molina was fake”. Now that I find interesting and I truly do wonder if that is the case and if so did Bryan threaten Harlow and this lead to Bryan’s death. Here are some of the questions that one of my readers asked of me. This is in regards to the emails that I shared with Harlow and Joe and Grant.

Q:Elm, questions for you – did you contact Harlow and Joe or did they contact you?

A:No they contacted me with regards to a picture on my blog of Harlow that they wanted changed.

Q:Was this before or after their arrest?

A:It was before the arrest in late march I believe.

Q: Did you know they were going to be arrested?

A:No I did not; it came as a total shock to me. They emailed me that morning about the interview with Damon Louezer the one I told them not to do. I was amazed at the turn of events.

Q:BTW, I also take most of what Kruezer says as nothing but some fantasy story that he has concocted. If you read his blogs (which is hard to do), he comes across as trying to take advantage of this situation – oh, how many interviews should I accept?

A:If Damon Louezer told me that the sun came up in the morning I would want a second opinion

Q: Which scripts should I write and then sell? This has nothing to do with him, but he doesn’t see that.
He also says he spoke with Grant recently. I can’t see that as being true, considering Grant hates him as much as he does Bryan, but if it is true, can you imagine what these two talked about?

A:Like I said Damon is a lunatic and the sad thing is he believes his own hype. Not a big fan of Grants but I know he has enough sense to stay away from Damon Louezer.

Q:Do you believe Harlow and Joe were set-up?

A:Yes I do, Grant sent them a contract. I do not believe for one minute that they would hatch such a stupid plot such as this. That is the plot straight from the Velvet Mafia. Kill Bryan and achive porn domination. That theory is just a little to far out there to be believed. They told me that Grant had contacted them and they had a nice conversation and that they might be working together soon. We chatted about that in back and fourth emails and also talked on the phone as well. We chatted about other stuff as well cars and video. They received a contract or some type of agreement from Grant and Joe was going to send it to me, I never thought that much about it. I did tell him to take it to their lawyer and have it checked out. Because I thought it could be a trap of some kind because of all the previous stuff that was reported. Which they said they did. Then they told me in another email that they were going to California to see Sean and Grant and possibly film a video. They seemed excited about it and told me to keep it a secret and they would send me confirmation of the video, which they did. A picture I posted on my blog of Harlow and Sean on Blacks Beach. I debated long and hard about posting that picture and I emailed Joe and he seemed to be ok with it so I posted it. I thought it was strange that Sean had on dark sunglasses on an overcast day but really did not question it.

Q: Do you believe the evidence path was just too convenient?

A:Some of it is just to perfect. And some is suspect like the 2 informants are very questionable they worked for Joe and Harlow so the police probably had them up on charges of some kind and what they said was coerced. Joe or Harlow never spoke of Cobra as competition to me. They seemed genuinely sad about Bryan’s death. They were excited about working with Brent and Grant. But they were truly concerned about the timing of the video and they asked me to put up an anonymous poll to see what the demand for such a video would be so I did. Grant emailed me as well about a post I was going to do on Brent and his anger towards Bryan was alarming even after the man was dead. I can understand some of it. But why so much anger after his death? Just move on I say, it’s over. But the anger was quite evident in the email in his tone and it kind of alarmed me. But in all fairness here is an excerpt from Grant’s e-mail:

Let me get this clear! I wanted Bryan to pay dearly for what he had done, but not with his life. I wanted him to suffer a very public humiliation; since that was the route HE chose, in addition to lose everything he had, including Cobra Video! Yes, I wanted to kill, but not Bryan Kocis! Sean did not feel the same way, until things got progressively worse and Bryan continued to block us at every turn. All the while law enforcement at all levels sat back and allowed him to try to ruin us!

Q: Do you believe either Grant and/or Sean are somehow involved in all of this?

*A:Yes I do to what degree that is debatable. The records being destroyed and the master discs that is all Grant Roy, They had to be told where exactly to look for what they went there to destroy. The house was not ransacked. I know Grant wanted to destroy Cobra Video and he made no bones about it. It was obvious he did not want to settle with Cobra Video he delayed the progress on several occasions. He even stated so in his email. I don’t know if killing Bryan was part of the plan though. Something happened on that night and I believe they panicked and Bryan was killed. I believe that when Sean and Grant found out that Bryan had been killed is when Grant panicked and went to the police disavowing all connections to the plan. That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.

*I can not be sure of this and it is purely speculation but from speaking with Joe and Harlow on the phone on a few occasions they did not sound like cold-blooded killers to me. I suspected no fear from them and no anger in their voices when we talked and they never acted as if they were hiding anything. They were actually quite open and friendly. There are references to our conversations in my “Who ever heard of Boybatter post” . I also have read and reread the e mail from Grant and as I have noted before his anger is apparent .So who is to say what plan was hatched. But the results did not benifit anyone. It really is quite sad for all involved.

Update: new links to some interesting history to how this all started. This was forwarded to me by one of my posters who was on the jucigoo forums, The Essance of Double Talk and A snake in sheep’s clothing –The Story of Sean Lockhart vs. Cobra Video

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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pre·var·i·cate –verb (used without object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
To speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie.

This is the reason we are gathered here to day to discuss the prevarication’s of a few of people

Well I have heard from several people about the whole crazy mess between LSG Media and Cobra Video and I have followed what has transpired between these two companies for the last couple of years. All the lies and the hate being thrown around and the various spins either side put on their arguments. Well to tell you the truth I am getting just a little disgusted by it all. So lets put some truth out there shall we.
Grant Roy did not initiate the settlement between LSG Media and Cobra Video Lee Bergeron initiated it. Grant was content to fight with Bryan until the end. Just some spin that I wanted to correct.
Also the attorneys fees were not the responsibility of Lee Bergeron they were the responsibility of Grant Roy. Lee was to pay the models and Grant was to pay the attorneys. The reason that the settlement was not moving forward was because Grant Roy halted the negotiations; their attorney never said it in exact words but that is implied. Grant Roy also was trying to hold up the settlement but Bryan gave them an ultimatum. Grant was waiting for some sort of reprieve so they would not have to settle. He dragged this on for far to long and everyone was getting tired of it. All parties finally signed on the 20th of January.
There is a settlement in place and I have that confirmed from a very reliable source.
As always with Sean and Grant they try to blame others for their pitfalls. They really should look closer to home for who or what is causing their problems. Lee is well within his rights as the major shareholder in the company to sell the video footage to recoup his investment. I know you are saying that this is a complete turn around for me but I had to play the game to get this story to this point. I had to get the age issue resolved so we could clear up the other issues. But then the arrest happened and now here is where we stand.
Just to debunk another lie, Harlow did not contact LSG Media first they contacted him asking if he would like to work with Brent Corrigan. They also invited them to Las Vegas to the AVN Expo. Joe and Harlow took them out to dinner and there was a tentative business deal made to film some videos after the settlement was signed. That is why they made that announcement to the members of their web-site on January 14th. Why would they make such a statement if there were not a possible deal? Did Sean and Grant Break yet another contract? The story that Sean comes up with in the Jody Wheeler piece “TwoPair” is also a blatant fabrication by the spin-meister him-self. The story of an offer to good to be true made to Brent when they emailed Harlow. And the statement “Harlow and Joe fucked it all up” what did Sean really mean by that? Why would Grant say that Brent was still under contract with Cobra? Brent Broke that contract in September in 2005. Wasn’t this why they were in settlement negotiations in the first place, so Brent could have use of that name and he could work for or with who ever he wanted to? The settlement says with only a couple of exceptions that Brent could work with anybody he choose to work with. Why would they lie about this? If you did not want to work with Joe and Harlow why did you not tell them the truth? It really is not that hard or is it? What I really don’t understand about all of this is why Joe and Harlow would go and kill Bryan Kocis unless they were put up to it by a deal that was to good to be true. Kill a man they did not even know in some sort of porn turf war. Grant did you come up with that one for the cops? Now you don’t expect me to believe that crook of bullshit do you? You have stated your hate for Bryan from as far back as I can remember. The juicygoo forums and the cobrakiller blog and even in the anonymous posts on my blog. Your anger towards him is off putting. I can just imagine Joe and Harlow sitting there listening to you spew your hate for Bryan. How he stops you at every turn and he was a child molester and how he molested and was mean to Brent and how he stole the name Brent Corrigan and shut down your web-site and made your life miserable. Yet you expect us all to believe that you did not hatch a plot to destroy Bryan Kocis and Cobra video with Joe and Harlow. Get real, people talk and word gets around about things you think no one knows about. And its only a matter of time for the truth to come out and all the spin your band of supporters are doing for you will not help you then. They might just get pulled into jail with you.
The evidence against Joe and Harlow looks pretty damning but they may still have a rabbit up their sleeve. It is because of all these lies that Bryan is dead, Joe and Harlow are in Jail and LSG Media is broke.
All these lies surround the name Brent Corrigan. The name is tainted. And it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth of all that speak it. I really can’t say if Grant was or was not involved in this nasty mess but his hands are not clean either. I just speaks volumes towards the decietful charactor of all those involved. so what is next more lie and deceptions. I will just say this Lee Bergeron you better watch your back. Porn is a dirty business and the players don’t all play nice as we have all witnessed in the recent months and you never know what nasty little games these people play.
I also have it from a reliable source that Cobra is not dead and there are back up masters and also back up 2257 files and Cobra will be sold as per Bryan’s will and the new owners will enforce the settlement. So I guess this was all for naught. Where does LSG Media go from here?

This is Elmysterio and I’m out

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